Amazing Grace – slow burn discipleship?

As we approach the hymn's 250th anniversary, how does John Newton's slow journey towards justice speak to us?

Gather: Wild-erness on Anglesey

Get a flavour of the recent pioneer gathering on Anglesey with words by Liz Dunbar and photos by Mark Kensett

Triple promise: new south-west pioneer training hub begins

Three south-west dioceses have come together to host a training hub for the CMS Certificate in Pioneer Mission.

The valley in the hand

Do our formulas and systems just get in the way of what lies at the heart of mission?

A starter for 10

Meet some of the first students on CMS’s new MA pathway, focusing on the African Christian diaspora.

Sustainable fashion: Meet entrepreneur Maria Skoyles

Maria Skoyles is the CEO of The Dorcas Dress Project, supporting people to get out of poverty by sharing Jesus' love, providing skills training, resources and pastoral care.

Finding my place

Rosie Hopley shares why she’s joined the first cohort of students on the African Christian Diaspora route of the CMS MA course

How to… build a missional community

Paul Bradbury chooses "five smooth stones" to help us build sustainable groups of disciples with a purpose.

Post-colonial pioneering?

We talk to Harvey Kwiyani about a pioneering new course of study focusing on the impact of the African church in diaspora.

Start of a new movement?

"We’re hoping to create a movement of post-colonial missionaries able to work across cultures and races,” says Harvey Kwiyani.

Sedbury Space: a case study in rural pioneering

Janice Hamilton speaks about the impact her CMS pioneer training had in helping her to establish a Community Centre in a rural village.

“God who works in the midst of journeys”: interview with Bryce Tangvald

Bryce Tangvald's journeys following Jesus have taken him from Colorado to Australia to Somerset. I asked Bryce, who is a third-year diploma student at CMS, more about his story and his experience of discovering pioneering.