Sharing skills, community and Jesus
Mission partner Garry Ion reports on Carlisle’s Community Shed, from seasonal crafts to a former prisoner sharing his faith.
“I chose Jesus”
Despite a rift with her family and great hardship, Mariam says she has no regrets about following Jesus
The fellowship on the roof
What happened when South Asian believers opened their home to serve their community?
From armed militia to minister
What can make someone go from being part of an armed militia to a minister of the gospel?
Sparks of new life in the Middle East
A young Syrian refugee labourer toiling in Lebanon had his eyes opened to Jesus through a magazine. And he's not alone.
Journeying with Jonathan
Mission partner Sharon Wilcox has walked with a young man with learning difficulties for over a decade and seen him go from pity to possibility…
Celebrating 25 years of breakfast (and baptisms)
How Hull mission partners made breakfast the most important meal of the community
“The blood of Christ is thicker than tribal identity”
Karobia Njogu of CMS-Africa tells a remarkable story of steps towards peace
New centre for new indigenous leaders
Thanks to your support, new leaders are building faith on a firm foundation
Peace through forgiveness
Lilias and her family were kept in a war zone by their own memories but discovered that because of Jesus, peace is possible.