Giving faith a fighting chance

Eastender Jay Lilley sparred with army life, wealth and homelessness before finding faith in the boxing ring.

From addiction to new life in Jesus

Because of your generosity, CMS local partner Wilhelm Polikhronidi can help men struggling with addiction to rewrite their life story.

Building up indigenous leaders in Paraguay

Facing the future with only 14 ordained priests in the whole country is a significant challenge for the Anglican Church in Paraguay

Bridging the gap in Northern Argentina

Marcos Humacata represents a new generation of Christian leaders who could bring healing to racial and cultural divides

Leaders keep learning in Argentina

The urgent need for more trained leaders in the Christian communities across northern Argentina is being met by a cross-cultural collective

An unstoppable wave of women

Despite growing pressures, hundreds of indigenous women in northern Argentina are stepping up and putting their faith and love into action for their communities.

“The future will depend on them”

The elders of the church in South America are seeking new faces who can navigate cultural and social changes and challenges

“The devil does not like people to build peace”

Thank you to all who gave to our Christmas appeal. You gave over £46,500 to help share the peace of Jesus even amid violent conflict.

Red light redemption

How one Thai woman started following Jesus and now helps others at the edges of society find new dignity and freedom

Listening for the long haul

Bestwood Park was one of the first UK churches to take part in Partnership for Missional Church. It left them equipped to engage with the local community...

Casting a network for spiritual seekers

How people have come to hear the good news of Jesus both in person and online, even during lockdowns.

Restored lives restoring lives

Three young women who found faith and purpose at a Brazilian safe house are now mentoring other young girls at risk.