Jesus: pioneer of pioneers

As Jesus initiated newness, so he calls his followers to do the same, says Greg Bakker

Is everyone a pioneer?

Of course our gifts are not all the same, but congregations can enable newness...

Nothing in Common?

Greg Bakker imagines how life could be different for parish priests and pioneers

The “little people” matter to God

Rev Dr Chan Nam Chen of Asia-CMS reflects on the best mission strategy: being led by the Holy Spirit

What does “mission” really mean?

Colin Smith ponders the meanings that lie beneath a key word for the church today

Does pioneering devalue the time-honoured church?

Greg Bakker examines this question and has a question for you

Cathy Ross on Loved, Called, Gifted podcast

Hear what Cathy has to say about women in mission and 'pious domesticity', including the hidden stories of women missionaries.

“Truth gathering” – an intercultural worship journey

Rev Ruwani Gunawardene, a second year MA student with CMS Pioneer Mission Training, narrates a personal journey into the Asian Satsang style expression of worship

Creation and Advent

What does it mean for Jesus to be born into a world of ecological collapse?

Indigenous Memory and Mission

Asking questions about the good ways to walk with indigenous peoples

Learning faith: new issue of Anvil journal is out now

The latest issue of Anvil shares reflections and insights from a research project into everyday faith in eight locations across Britain.

To be: more curious, less furious

In the Gospels, Jesus asks dozens of questions. Do we have the courage to be curious, with Jesus?