What does “mission” really mean?

Colin Smith ponders the meanings that lie beneath a key word for the church today

Does pioneering devalue the time-honoured church?

Greg Bakker examines this question and has a question for you

Politics needs theology

"Should religion and politics mix?" is not the right question – they always will. A better question is "how should they mix?"

Creation and Advent

What does it mean for Jesus to be born into a world of ecological collapse?

Indigenous Memory and Mission

Asking questions about the good ways to walk with indigenous peoples

Learning faith: new issue of Anvil journal is out now

The latest issue of Anvil shares reflections and insights from a research project into everyday faith in eight locations across Britain.

What time is it? What we learned on the Gather tour 2023

Johnny Sertin and Mari Day have synthesised eight sessions of deep conversation with pioneers up and down the country to provide some thought-provoking signals for mission in the UK in the 21st century.

Coming out fighting for “pioneering”

"Pioneer" has become a disputed word. But Rev Tina Hodgett, Pioneering Parishes project leader, can't think of a better term for initiators of new things.

To be: more curious, less furious

In the Gospels, Jesus asks dozens of questions. Do we have the courage to be curious, with Jesus?

How not to evangelise among Westerners

In this post, Dr Harvey Kwiyani, African Christianity Programme Lead at CMS Pioneer Mission Training, reflects on non-Western evangelists in the West and how not to evangelise!

Working on our posture

Activist and author Shane Claiborne paid a visit to Church Mission Society for a lively conversation about mission.

Lay Pioneering and Thriving in Mission – a New Grove Book

We need to listen more carefully to the experience and gifts of informal, grassroots pioneers, says James Butler, introducing his new Grove book on lay pioneers.