gives up.
Neither should we.
Book a CMS speaker and hear about what God is doing today – in the UK!
Invite a CMS speaker now to come and share unforgettable stories, insights and ideas for mission with your congregation.
Mission in the UK
For the first time, in the 2021 census, less than half of people in England and Wales described themselves as Christian. The vast majority of people in Britain do not go to church and 85 per cent of those people say they are unlikely to do so.
These are stark statistics, at a troubled time in a fractured, hurting world.
Many people have moved on from the idea that Jesus could love them or that things could ever change. The good news is, Jesus isn’t put off by this. He’s constantly going to great lengths to show up for those who struggle to believe in him. If we want to follow Jesus, we need to be prepared to go to the edges with him.
Jesus never gives up. Neither should we.
We believe that Jesus, motivated by love, never gives up searching for people at the edges. And when those on the edges encounter and get to know Jesus, their lives are transformed.
CMS has been involved in mission on the edges for over 200 years – but every day creates opportunities for a new start. A new start for people who are finding Jesus for the first time – and a new way to hear about how this new faith in Jesus is changing hearts, minds and lives.
“Enthusiastic”, “challenging” and “moving” are all words that church leaders have used to describe our speakers when they visit churches.
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