Mission partners
Long-term mission with Church Mission Society
Are you being called to make a long-term contribution to local mission “at the edge” somewhere else in the world? We are seeking mission partners who want to work together to make disciples, resource leaders and transform communities – for at least three years.
Long-term opportunities
Who is CMS looking for?
People who feel a call to make disciples at the edges and are passionate about serving God.
You will be involved in your local church and already living a life of mission whatever that looks like in your context.
You will be flexible, adaptable and sensitive in your interaction with people of other backgrounds, cultures and faiths and you will have transferable skills that can be used in an overseas context.
Discover your call
CMS aims to walk with you as you explore your sense of call to mission. Throughout our selection processes, we will work with you to discover together your passion and vocation and how that might fit with our partners’ needs.
What is the process?
The process begins as soon as we receive an enquiry form from you. We then arrange the first of two interviews at CMS in Oxford. These interviews begin with an exploration of who you are and how you have arrived at this point as well as thinking about the role you would like to have.
As part of these interviews we take up three references before sending you to a selection weekend where you will be interviewed further. Our selectors are friendly, godly people who are passionate about ensuring that we are guided by God as we work out the way forward together.
If you are selected, the preparation for heading overseas begins, including completing a DBS and health check. We believe that funding, learning in preparation for service, and prayer support are joint responsibilities for you and us. We talk early on with you about getting you fully resourced for service:
We’ll introduce you to CMS-supporting churches that are keen to pray for you and help you financially. They will want to learn from your mission experience so that they can be more effective in their mission.
Prospective mission partners are often naturally daunted by the idea of raising support. To set you free from anxiety, our fundraisers will meet you early on to help you identify where you can find the necessary funds.
Along the way we will help you identify skills you’ll need to develop in preparation for the mission God has called you to. We provide residential training in Oxford, starting three times each year. We aim to ensure that all the necessary support is in place prior to departure.
What would I be doing?
We have lots of opportunities all around the world, all to do with making disciples at the edges, but more diverse than you might expect! You will discover that God can use any skills and that if God is calling you to service with Church Mission Society, then he is also preparing a place for you.
Stories from the edges
See how God is at work through your prayers and gifts
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