Mission partners

Mission partners

Long-term mission with Church Mission Society

Are you being called to make a long-term contribution to local mission “at the edge” somewhere else in the world? We are seeking mission partners who want to work together to make disciples, resource leaders and transform communities – for at least three years.

Long-term opportunities

Who is CMS looking for?

People who feel a call to make disciples at the edges and are passionate about serving God.

You will be involved in your local church and already living a life of mission whatever that looks like in your context.

You will be flexible, adaptable and sensitive in your interaction with people of other backgrounds, cultures and faiths and you will have transferable skills that can be used in an overseas context.

Discover your call

CMS aims to walk with you as you explore your sense of call to mission. Throughout our selection processes, we will work with you to discover together your passion and vocation and how that might fit with our partners’ needs.

Inclusion and diversity

CMS is committed to building a culture where people of all backgrounds and giftings feel welcome, safe and supported.

We actively seek ways to remove barriers that may prevent people from considering cross-cultural mission, both during the recruitment process (application and interview) and in their placement overseas, providing adjustments where necessary.

Some of the adjustments that we offer include: receiving applications via video or audio file, providing interview questions in advance and allowing interviewees to bring a companion to interview. Please contact our recruitment team for more information.

If finances are a barrier to you considering long term service please talk to our recruitment team about ways that we can support you.

The CMS selection process

We have people serving with us who are single or married and with or without children. If you are married, we request that both partners complete the application process so we can look at opportunities that work for the whole family.

The selection process aims to get to know you and explore with you where God is leading. This is a two-way process – a time for you and CMS to discern a direction together. The process is outlined in the flowchart in our information pack below.

What would I be doing?

We have lots of opportunities all around the world, all to do with making disciples at the edges, but more diverse than you might expect! You will discover that God can use any skills and that if God is calling you to service with Church Mission Society, then he is also preparing a place for you.

What next?

Fill in a quick form to let us know what you’re interested in…

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