Join us to lift our eyes to Jesus, to lift up those who suffer and all who serve in the cause of mission.
“I pray because I can’t help myself. I pray because I’m helpless. I pray because the need flows out of me all the time, waking and sleeping. It doesn’t change God. It changes me.” – CS Lewis
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Latest prayer news
Argentina: flooding in the Chaco
Heavy rains in northern Argentina have caused the Pilcomayo and Bermejo rivers to burst their banks, flooding some communities and cutting off others. More than 19 communities and 2000 people are affected: several hundred people have been evacuated but others are still waiting for help to arrive. The Anglican Church of Northern Argentina is mobilising…
Bolivia: shortages of fuel and foreign currency
Pray for Bolivia, where a lack of foreign currency has led to an inability to pay for imported fuel and in turn caused a fuel shortage. Queues at petrol stations can take up to a day (mission partners Andrew and Lisa Peart report having to queue overnight in order to be able to buy fuel)…
DR Congo: ongoing conflict
“We still need your prayers,” writes partner Bisoke Balikenga, who runs a peace centre in Bunia. Bisoke shares that tribalism and division is creeping into churches and that the ongoing conflict and suffering is causing many people to lose their faith. Pray for people to put their hope in God and not to give up.