

Join us to lift our eyes to Jesus, to lift up those who suffer and all who serve in the cause of mission.

“I pray because I can’t help myself. I pray because I’m helpless. I pray because the need flows out of me all the time, waking and sleeping. It doesn’t change God. It changes me.” – CS Lewis


A weekly email to keep you and your church up to date with prayer news and needs


Our quarterly prayer diary will help you pray intelligently for all those following Jesus to the edges.


An invitation to nurture prayerful presence

Latest prayer news

  • DR Congo: protection from rebel groups

    Local partner Bisoke Balikenga, who runs a peace centre in Bunia, reports that the rebel groups around Goma are approaching Bunia. Please pray for safety for the people of Bunia and for the rebel groups to encounter the presence of God and turn their hearts towards peace. Pray for God’s protection over upcoming CMS-Africa women’s and youth…

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  • Middle East: stamina for Bible translation

    Mission partners J and R write that those working on the Briyani Old Testament Bible translation are hoping to finish the book of Deuteronomy by 19 August. We give thanks with J and R for the progress that has been made and pray that Deuteronomy will appear on the mobile phone app very soon. Pray,…

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  • Ukraine: ongoing war

    Please pray for the people of Ukraine and Russia, where drones have become central to the war and can kill hundreds every day. Please lift up in prayer those who are waging war and ask God to turn their hearts to peace. Pray for strength and encouragement for our people in mission there: Valery, Anya…

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Prayer resources

  • Open hands

    A CMS Presence resource to assist in nurturing prayerful presence

  • Not giving up on life in abundance

    From stuck in pain to set free in ultra-secular Uruguay

  • Holiness in the humdrum

    Suzy Wilson, CMS mission partner in Ethiopia, reflects on her current season of mission and mothering

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