

Join us to lift our eyes to Jesus, to lift up those who suffer and all who serve in the cause of mission.

“I pray because I can’t help myself. I pray because I’m helpless. I pray because the need flows out of me all the time, waking and sleeping. It doesn’t change God. It changes me.” – CS Lewis


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Our quarterly prayer diary will help you pray intelligently for all those following Jesus to the edges.


An invitation to nurture prayerful presence

Latest prayer news

  • Brazil: ReVive

    Short-termer Ellie Dixon has been working with girls at risk, on placement with the charity ReVive in Recife over the past few months. She asks for prayer for a new girl who recently arrived at the ReVive safe house having left a difficult family situation. Please pray for this girl as she settles into a…

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  • DR Congo: violent conflict

    Please pray for the people of DR Congo, where recent violent conflict has engulfed the area of Goma. Thousands of people have been displaced, women have been brutally attacked and basic supplies are running out. Pray for comfort and hope for all those suffering and living in fear, for provision of basic supplies and for…

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  • Ecuador: Cuenca Christian Church

    Mission partner Beverley Cannon de Pinos and mission associate Johnny Pinos are based in Cuenca, where Johnny is pastor of Cuenca Christian Church and Bev supports various church ministries and shares the gospel contextually. We praise God with Bev and Johnny that their church has now moved into a new building which will allow the…

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