Prayer news

Prayer news

  • Urgent: pray for peace in Goma

    A call to pray for “a miracle of peace” in DR Congo from CMS mission partner Martin Gordon, Bishop of Goma

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  • Urgent: pray for peace in Goma

Praying together

We have the joy of being a praying community online and offline. Here is today’s prayer from Prayerlines, our daily, printed prayer guide.

Today’s prayer

Mission partners Alf and Hilary Cooper pastor La Trinidad de Las Condes church near Santiago, Chile, and work to see churches planted across the country. We give thanks with Alf and Hilary for what God has done in the life of Vasco Moulián, a Chilean actor, director and TV personality. Vasco was previously completely enslaved to drugs and alcohol but came to church through a friend and is now on fire for Jesus.Having previously hosted a programme called Sin Dios ni Late (No God nor Law), Vasco recently created a new TV programme with Alf called Con Dios y Ley (With God and Law). The new programme features special guests and commentaries on politics and current events. The first three episodes have drawn 50,000 viewers on YouTube and television. Pray for the programme to open people’s eyes to the truth and turn their hearts to Jesus.

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