Previous prayer news

Previous prayer news items

South Asia: teaching on social issues

Please pray for mission partner F as she prepares to lead a module on social issues towards the end of July. Please pray for wisdom as F plans the module and asks various colleagues to lead different sessions, and as she considers adding something on artificial intelligence and voter registration.

Uganda: visiting Potter’s Village

Mission associate Janie Robson is flying out to Uganda this Sunday for a six-week stint at Potter’s Village. Janie asks for prayer that she will be a good mentor to Julius the new physio and to Keti and Annah, the rehab team, and that she will be a support and encouragement to all at Potter’s […]

UK: upcoming ordination

Pat Blanchard, formerly a mission partner in Peru, is being ordained priest next Saturday, 29 June at Winchester Cathedral. She will be licensed to serve at St Christopher’s, Southbourne, where she has been worshipping for the past 18 months. The ordination service will be live-streamed; more details will become available nearer the time at Pray for […]

Tanzania: upcoming visit

Please pray for Charles, an Africa mission associate, ahead of his trip to Tanzania, 27 May to 13 August. Please pray for safe travels, protection from illness and for productive time spent with colleagues there.

South East Asia: visas

Please pray for a new mission partner family preparing to move to South East Asia to share Jesus’ love with people pushed to the edges by poverty. They are still waiting for visas – please pray that these are issued ready for travel this summer. Pray also for peace for each member of the family […]

North Africa: CMS mission network meetings

Give thanks and pray for the gathering of CMS leaders and strategic partners over the past week, which is followed in the next few days by a meeting of CMS and SAMS sister organisations. Pray for lasting fruit from the discussions.

North Africa: Christians under pressure

A partner working with Christians in North Africa shares a prayer request from local Christian leaders: “Pray for local Christian believers to be encouraged. Believers here face some challenges that are unique to this environment. There is a significant groundswell of social pressure to follow Islam. Choosing to go against that tide, and follow Jesus, […]

Middle East: Gaza war

As the ceasefire proposal is under review, may they experience the fruits of dialogue and reconciliation in place of conflict and division.

Iran: elections

Pray for the elections in Iran, that just and wise leaders may be elected, and for a peaceable transition of government.

India: heatwave

Please pray for the people of India as the country faces a severe heatwave, especially in the eastern state of Odisha. Temperatures have soared past 50C in some areas.

Guatemala: upcoming conference and study

Mission partners Azaria and David Pocasangre ask for prayer for David as he prepares for a trip to Thailand where he will be leading worship at a conference for TEAM (The Evangelical Alliance Mission). Please also pray for Azaria and David and others at their local church as they study some introductory theology modules together over […]

Ethiopia: theological training for refugees

Please pray for mission partners Chris and Suzy Wilson and the Refugee Theological Education Project which Chris is leading in western Ethiopia. Pray for continued access to the refugee camps, good relationships with the authorities, and for the church leaders participating to develop better relationships with church leaders from other ethnic groups and denominations. Chris […]