Previous prayer news items
Philippines: developing crisis response teams
Mission partner Tim Lee has just arrived in the Philippines to work with Jigsaw Kids Ministries to develop local crisis response teams over the next few weeks. As part of their work of bringing life in all its fullness to children and families in Manila, the Jigsaw team have a vision to start a response […]
Uganda: rain and healing
We praise God with Judith Murungi, CMS-Africa’s country coordinator for Uganda, for the start of rainy season, which offers hope to agricultural communities across the country. Pray for lots of rain so that farmers can enjoy a good harvest in a few months’ time. CMS-Africa also ask for prayer for a partner called Seme Peter, […]
DR Congo: Goma update
The most recent RDC [Congolese] government estimates are that 8,500 died in the recent battle to take Goma. Since then, the conflict has spread to Bukavu on the south of Lake Kivu as the M23 rebels continue their advance. 330,000 additional children are out of school and more than 500,000 people have been displaced bringing […]
Ethiopia: fostering a baby
Mission partners Chris and Suzy Wilson recently started fostering a malnourished baby, helping him gain weight before having surgery for cleft lip and hopefully being adopted: “It’s been a joy to welcome him into our family, and we’ve already seen significant progress in just the couple of weeks he’s been with us. Praise God for […]
Guatemala: supporting family through illness
Lift up mission partners Azaria and David Pocasangre and Azaria’s family as they all support Azaria’s younger brother Zeph, who was diagnosed with leukaemia last year. We give thanks with the family that Zeph is responding well to chemotherapy and medication. Please pray for Zeph’s continued recovery and full healing and for peace, patience, and wisdom […]
North Africa: trauma counselling partnership
Mission partners H and M teach healthcare and first aid, share God’s love in everyday contexts, lead trekking groups and disciple local Christians. H is now also engaged in trauma counselling, but needs another woman to join her in this work so they can share the load and support each other. Pray for God to […]
South East Asia: grandparenting from afar
Pray for mission partners I and S as they become grandparents for the first time this month. They plan to travel to the UK for a short visit before returning to their work of prison ministry, teaching English and leading a church in South East Asia. Pray for them as they enjoy a brief visit […]
South East Asia: SENIA conference
Asia’s Special Educational Needs and Inclusion Association (SENIA) is hosting a conference this weekend for partners throughout the region who work with children with special educational needs. Mission partner L is chairperson of her local chapter of SENIA; we stand with her in prayer for all aspects of the conference to go smoothly. Pray for […]
Uganda: coffee mother garden
Mission partners Sarah and Simon Cawdell ask for prayer as they plan for and develop a coffee mother garden on the diocesan land to provide a source of cuttings to propagate good coffee plants on other plantations. Pray for the coffee mother garden to become a reality and for the whole community to benefit from […]
UK: Acts 11 webinar
Please pray for a webinar on 12 March on the topic of how churches in the UK are supporting refugees. The webinar is run by CMS’s Acts 11 Project, a centre which exists to facilitate a sustained conversation on the implications of migration for Christian faith and mission. Pray for a good turnout and for […]
UK: CMS Southern conference
Members and friends of CMS are organising an online conference 21-22 March. Please pray for the organising team and that all the speakers will be able to join (Including Martin Gordon and Bisoke Balikenga from DRC). To join in:
Ukraine: recovery from destructive behaviours
As well as her work of providing spiritual and material care to those in need through her church in Kyiv, mission partner Alison Giblett works with the Genesis ministry, which supports people as they overcome destructive behaviours. Several members of the Genesis team in Ukraine have left in recent years and the ministry has fallen […]