Previous prayer news

Previous prayer news items

South Asia: upcoming education conference

Please pray for mission partner L as she leads planning for an upcoming education conference. Pray for wisdom for L and for the planning team as a whole, and for them to be of one mind as they make decisions. Pray for L’s husband A as he seeks God’s guidance for his next steps in ministry.

US: Hurricane Milton

Pray for people in Florida, where Hurricane Milton has caused tornadoes and floods, left more than three million homes and businesses without power and reportedly caused a number of deaths. Pray for people to turn to God in their need and for help to come to all those who are without power and/or basic provisions. […]

Asia: floods

Continue to pray for the aftermath of the flooding across many Asian countries including Nepal, India, Bangladesh, Thailand and Vietnam. Some of our local partners in Nepal have had to relocate to higher ground.

Acts 11 Project

Give thanks for an energising launch conference last week for the Acts 11 Centre for Global Witness and Human Migration. Pray for the momentum to continue, especially for more partners to join the project, which seeks to equip Christian communities for hospitable ministry and migrants for sharing the gospel on the move.

Lebanon: air strike in Beirut

Pray for the people of Lebanon, where at least nine people were killed and several wounded in an Israeli air strike on a building in central Beirut this week. Five more air strikes in the southern suburb of Dahieh followed. Pray for all those affected by these air strikes: for those who have lost loved […]

Madagascar: new saving group

CMS-Africa’s country coordinator in Madagascar, Ialy Tongasoa, asks for prayer for 20 people participating in a new saving group in Miandrivazo. The group is led by Mme Anja, who participated in women’s empowerment training earlier this year. Praise God that Mme Anja is applying her training and growing in confidence and skills. Pray for the […]

Paraguay: rain

Mission partner Tim Curtis asks for prayer for rain in the Chaco region. Due to rain in August and September in Rio Verde, many people have been able to store enough water to last a few more weeks, but not much longer. Please pray for unprecedented amounts of rain to fall over the next weeks […]

South Asia: travelling and teaching

Please pray for CMS’s manager in Asia as she travels this month for CMS meetings in one country and meetings with the church in another country. Pray for safety in travel, joyful reunions with friends and productive meetings. Pray also for her husband, E, who will be very busy teaching over the next few months.

Middle East: ongoing conflict

Pray for the many affected by the fighting in the Middle East. Pray for protection for those who are fleeing, those who are staying and those who are forced to fight. Pray for aid to reach all those who need it. Pray for people’s hearts to be moved toward reconciliation and for true peace to […]

South East Asia: prison ministry

Mission partners involved in prison ministry with men in South East Asia are currently not permitted to meet with the prisoners in person. Please pray that permission for face-to-face contact will be granted again so that the team can encourage the men through spending time with them.

Sudan: war escalating

Local partner Bishop Hassan James writes that the war in Sudan is escalating, especially in Darfur and Al-Fashir, and that many families have been displaced. Pray for opportunities for believers to reach displaced people with the gospel and demonstrate God’s love to them. Pray for those driving the conflict to be ready to engage in […]

Uganda: positive messages in refugee camps

We praise God with local partner Sam Malish for recent distribution of mini-speakers among South Sudanese refugees. Pray for refugees’ hearts to be open and for them to meet Jesus as they listen to the messages of trauma healing, peacebuilding, child protection, positive parenting and Christian teaching.