Previous prayer news

Previous prayer news items

Thailand: third culture kids conference

Please pray for one of our mission partners, who is one of the speakers at the third culture kids conference in Chiang Mai this weekend. Pray for clarity of thought and that her subject on contextualising the curriculum will be met with enthusiasm.

Thailand: bereavement

Please pray for mission partners Jason and Tracy Day and their family as Jason’s father has recently passed away.

Uganda: security situation

Please pray for the security situation in Uganda following on from the recent killings of two tourists and their guide at Queen Elizabeth National Park and the two bombs found in churches near Kampala. Mission associate Janie Robson is currently back at Potter’s Village, not that far from the park, for six weeks to support […]

Uganda: theological college registration

Mission partners Sarah and Simon Cawdell ask for prayer for Archbishop Janani Luwum Theological College to be successfully registered with the National Council for Higher Education as soon as possible. This term students are based back at home, returning to the college in January. Sarah says: “Give thanks for the new purpose-built chapel in college, […]

UK: pioneer students

Please pray for CMS Pioneer Mission Training students, both those who study online and those who study in-person, who will be taking a break from study for our reading week in a few days. May they find refreshment.

Heartbreak in the Holy Land

CMS people in mission urgently ask for prayer.

Central America, Ecuador: travelling to encourage

Please continue to pray for Andrew Johnson and Jo Anthony, travelling to visit CMS people in mission in Central America and Ecuador respectively. Pray for continued safe travel and encouraging times with all those they visit and meet.

Ethiopia: renewing work permits and residence IDs

Please pray for Chris and Suzy Wilson as they renew these essential documents this month. Pray for the process to go smoothly and for Chris to be able to make good progress on his PhD while they wait for their applications to be processed. Pray for their paperwork to be processed in time for them […]

Guatemala: protests

The country has been brought to a standstill due to nationwide protests, including roadblocks, against those in authority who are perceived to be blocking the transition to power (in January) of the democratically elected president Bernardo Arévalo. Protests have been building for a few weeks but have gained momentum recently, and protestors are demanding the […]

Israel/Palestine: recent attack

Please pray for all those affected by the recent attack in Israel, which has already cost hundreds of lives. We weep with those who weep, in Israel and in Gaza. We pray for those in the midst of appalling grief and those now living in paralysing fear. We yearn for peace with justice for all. […]

Uganda: Potter’s Village

Pray for Janie Robson (CMS mission associate), who has returned to Potter’s Village in Kisoro for six weeks. Pray for wisdom, strength, energy and for God to fill her with his Holy Spirit and grace as he ministers to others through her. Pray, too, for a new physiotherapist to join the team at Potter’s.

Africa: team sharing and planning

Pray for people in mission and staff working across Africa as they meet online next week to share news and vision, and plan together for the coming months. Please pray that technology works well and that this is a fruitful and encouraging time for all.