Previous prayer news

Previous prayer news items

Brazil: Aguazinha community market

Thank you to those who have been praying for the community market in Aguazinha, which was struggling to source the surplus food necessary to supply those in need. Rosie and Stu Bayford write that they are once again receiving more food, allowing them to once again offer fresh fruit and veg to the local community. […]

Sudan: difficult and dangerous

Bishop Hassan James, CMS and CMS-Africa local partner and a constant voice for peace in Kadugli Diocese, asks for prayer for “the pain caused by the war we have in Sudan, especially South Kordofan, in the Nuba Mountains.” Specifically: “Many have lost their lives in the conflict between the SPLM [Sudan People’s Liberation Movement] and […]

Ukraine: under pressure

Our people in mission in Ukraine – Alison, Valery and Anya – report that “a big issue is dealing with a sense of hopelessness as the war continues on.” This feeling was likely intensified this week as a Russian strike hit a crowded market in the Ukrainian city of Kostiantynivka, killing at least 17 people. […]

Peru: clothing former prisoners

From mission partner Anna Sims, who ministers among female prisoners and ex-offenders in Peru: “The Winter Clothing Event for the ex-offenders was a joyful time. All the ex-offenders that we currently work with in Lima are invited to hear a short reflection and then ‘shop’ from the seasonal clothing donations we’ve received. Each woman is […]

Ukraine: returning to villages

CMS people in mission in Ukraine, with others from their church Tabernacle of the Living God, have returned to villages they visited last year as part of their restoration ministry. Give thanks for people’s welcome and openness to the gospel message. The team are running children’s ministry again – please pray for the children to […]

South Asia: new school year

Give thanks that mission associates working in education are back in South Asia at the school they help to lead. Please pray for the ongoing recruitment of additional teachers, and for added work related to financial matters required by the government. Pray for stamina for the mission associates as they cover teaching where posts are […]

South Asia: education visit

Please pray for the preparations for an upcoming trip for an educational consultancy team going to South Asia in October. Pray for additional teachers to join, for visas to come through and for re-uniting with the various schools in the country.

Pakistan: churches burned

More than 100 people have been arrested in a city in east Pakistan after Muslims burned Christian churches and vandalised homes in response to claims that two Christian men had torn pages from a copy of the Quran. Please pray for all affected in this situation – for those who have lost homes and belongings […]

Latin America: Adelante conference

Please pray for the upcoming Adelante conference (23 September) with its focus “Mission on the urban edge”. As the volunteer team from CMS’s Latin America forum pull the event together please pray for the team, for all those who will be speaking and presenting, for all the attendees travelling from across the country and joining […]

Ecuador and Guatemala: Elections

Praise God for peaceful elections in Guatemala with the election of new President Bernardo Arévalo. Please continue to pray for a peaceful transition of power and for the future direction of the country. In Ecuador, following the assassination of presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio who had spoken out against drug gangs and corruption, voting in presidential […]

Bolivia: diocesan conference

Please pray for the Diocese of Bolivia’s leadership training conference in Cochabamba, which comes to a close on Saturday 26 August. The event has been organised by CMS local partner Bishop Walter Toro as he seeks to develop the diocese’s leadership. The conference partnered with the Diocese of Birmingham where members of CMS’s Latin America […]

Britain: rest and refreshment

Many CMS people in mission and staff members are taking time off over the summer to rest and recharge. Pray for times of fun and refreshment both alone and with family and friends.