Previous prayer news items
Central America: travelling
Mission partners Mark and Rosalie Balfour, writing from Guatemala, ask for prayer for upcoming travel as they continue their pastoral ministry to other people in mission: “On Friday this week [1 March] we are driving to Honduras for another visit to folk there. We are going through El Salvador again and are due to arrive […]
Ethiopia: famine
Please pray for the people of Ethiopia, where there are increasingly serious concerns about famine in the north of the country. Pray against the ongoing fighting and tension across much of the country.
Ethiopia: all-important permissions
Mission partners Chris and Suzy Wilson write that over the last two months, Chris has been struggling with complications regarding permission to enter the refugee camp to deliver training for church leaders. Please pray that this situation changes soon.
South Asia: theological educators’ conference
“Please pray for the Theological Educators’ Forum (TEF) annual conference taking place next week from 5 to 7 March,” writes mission partner F. Mission partner F will be contributing to a seminar on Wednesday, and about 100 participants from around 50 institutions are expected to attend the conference, which has Doing Theology in an Honour/Shame […]
South Sudan: conflict
Conflict continues between the Dinka Ngok of Abyei and Dinka Twic of Warrap and there has been an increase in armed conflicts around Bahr-El-Ghazal and Warrap State. Please pray for an end to the fighting and for the church to play a positive role in peacemaking in the country.
Signalling support for two years
Since Russia’s violent invasion of Ukraine two years ago, faithful supporters have been meeting weekly on Saturday evenings to pray.
Ukraine: the pastor at the front lines
CMS local partner in demand as forces chaplain, while churches pray and fast for an end to war
DR Congo: a prayer for peace to prevail
Please continue to pray for peace to prevail in Goma and all DR Congo and for Anthea and Martin Gordon and their family and for those at CMS who are supporting them.
Brazil: sharing the gospel in prison
Tomorrow (Saturday 24 Feb), mission partner Andy Walsh will deliver the first in a series of sessions on the gospel to 20 men in a prison he hasn’t visited before. Andy asks for prayer for the course to be successful and for the Word to take root in the inmates’ lives.
Paraguay: guidance for ministry
Pray for mission associates Alison and Chris Hawksbee as they consider their involvement this year. Pray for God to guide them with regard to both how much they should be involved and in which areas of ministry.
South East Asia: more volunteers
Local partner Helen Avadiar-Nimbalker shares that she and her team, who provide healthcare and training for women and children who come to them for help, are running at full capacity with a waiting list. Helen asks for prayer for the team to receive the self-care they need so that they can continue to minister to […]
Ukraine: rest for the weary
Pray for local partner Valery and his wife Olga as they seek visas to leave the Ukraine to visit their son and family in the UK. Pray for God to pave the way for a restful time with family where Valery and Olga can have a proper break and spend time with each other and […]