Previous prayer news items
Paraguay: rain
Please pray for more rain in the coming months in the central and north of the Chaco after a very hot January with lower than average rainfall.
Uganda: new focus
Please pray for mission partners Sarah and Simon Cawdell, particularly for Simon as he finds a new focus following the end of the Rooted in Jesus conference. Pray for good working relationships and good follow-up for the Rooted in Jesus groups. Pray that Simon is able to focus productively on the household, development and community […]
Global: pray for peace page
CMS people in mission are working in a number of areas around the world that are enduring violent conflict. We have produced a prayer guide for each of these situations. Please join us in praying for true, just and lasting peace.
Pakistan: elections approaching
CMS mission partner, F, in Pakistan asks for prayer for the country, which will hold general elections on 8 February. Please pray for good voter turnout, for peace during and after the elections and that the future government will be effective in stewarding the country. Pray also for F, whose role is to help strengthen […]
Brazil: finding foster families
Mission partners Rosie and Stu Bayford in Olinda, Brazil, work with ReVive International, which transforms the lives of children who have endured abuse, neglect and exploitation. One way this happens is this is through a new foster care programme. The Bayfords write: “The foster team are amazing and working hard to get this service going […]
Uganda: Rooted in Jesus
Give thanks for the recent successful Rooted in Jesus conference that was held in the Diocese of Northern Uganda. Mission partners Sarah and Simon Cawdell, who work with the diocese in Gulu, report that 240 people attended. Rooted in Jesus is a group course in Christian discipleship written for use in Africa. It is the only […]
Israel: released from rehab
Give thanks for people who have been well enough to leave the Christian-based addiction rehab facility in Beer Sheva, where CMS local partner Wilhelm works. “Alexei has just finished the programme successfully, left the rehab centre to live independently and even restored a good relationship with his wife. He keeps attending the Shabbat services of […]
Lent with CMS
We live in a fractured, hurting world. It can be tempting to give up on hope, on people, on the idea that things will ever change. Together, we can resist that temptation and persist in hope. Join us this Lent as we explore How Not to Give Up. A free weekly devotional from CMS to […]
Bolivia: mission planning
Praise God for a fruitful meeting in Cochabamba of representatives of Indigenous Peoples from the Anglican Church across the Provinces of South America and Chile. Through prayer, discussion and discernment a plan for mission work with Indigenous Peoples was developed together with representatives from CMS. Please pray for the outworking of the plans made and […]
Middle East: media resources
Please pray for CMS partners producing media resources to be accessed online by people exploring spiritual questions. Please pray for their team to have creative ideas and great wisdom for the material they share. Pray that these resources will be found by people with questions about faith.
South Asia: teaching
Mission partner F in South Asia gives thanks for a fruitful and encouraging visit to another city for seminars with youth, women, pastors and church members. F also asks for prayer as she will start teaching weekly classes this Friday at two local Bible colleges.
South Sudan: pray for peace
CMS local partner Sam Malish shares: “I plead with the church worldwide to pray with us that South Sudanese forgive each other and trust in God. Pray for the leaders, that they put the people of South Sudan before themselves and see that they are part of the solution.” Sam works with fellow South Sudanese […]