Previous prayer news

Previous prayer news items

Ukraine: couples separated by war

Mission partner Alison Giblett asks for prayer for Ukrainian married couples separated by the war. Many women and children are living as refugees in other countries while husbands and fathers are not allowed to leave Ukraine. The law has been changed to make divorce simpler, and many women who are now settled abroad have an […]

Tanzania: best summer season yet

Mission partner Heather Johnstone reports that the Rehema Project’s café and shop have had their best summer season yet due to two large UK school groups. Praise God for this huge blessing. Pray for more tourists to come so the Rehema women can continue to provide for their families.

Tanzania: relocating

Ben and Katy Ray and their three children are preparing to move from Iringa to Arusha in two weeks. Please pray for Ben and Katy as they pack up, hand over, have numerous meetings with both Neema and SAFi boards, say goodbye etc. All three kids will begin at a new school in Arusha so please do […]

Ethiopia: preparing to return

Please pray for mission partners Chris and Suzy Wilson and their children in their final two weeks of home leave, for precious times with family and friends and time and space to rest. Pray for their safe return to Addis Ababa on 16 August. 

Brazil: travelling

Pray for CMS’s mission work in Brazil, for CMS’s people in mission in the country and for those CMS is partnering with there. Mission director Andy Roberts and manager in Latin America Paul Tester will be visiting people across the country over the next few weeks. Please pray for safe travels, for the incredible mission […]

Africa: mission partners recently finished

Please pray for mission partners Lynn Treneary (South Sudan) and Patricia and Peter Wyard (DR Congo), who have recently finished service with CMS. For Lynn, pray for her as she continues to work on improving her health and looks for a job. Pray too for safety as she travels between various family and friends across […]

Uganda: returned to the UK

Pray for mission partners Tom and Verity Clare and their five children, who have recently returned to the UK permanently. Pray for each member of the family as they make friends and adjust to life in their new location.

Mediterranean: fires

Pray for countries in the Mediterranean where wildfires have broken out and caused devastation and a number of deaths. In some locations, firefighters are beginning to lose hope after several days of trying and failing to put out the fires. Pray for stamina and fresh hope for all those working to put out the fires, […]

India: conflict in Manipur

Former CMS mission partners Kailean and Kim Khongsai, originally from Manipur, ask for prayer for people in the area, where conflict has been ongoing since early May and left 50,000 people displaced, over 140 dead and thousands injured. Pray for the many who have been displaced and injured, for help to reach them. Pray for […]

Ecuador: discipleship and growth

We give thanks with mission partner Bev Cannon de Pinos and mission associate Johnny de Pinos for a recent 12-week discipleship programme and for all those who attended. Pray particularly for those who personally gave their lives to Jesus, as they grow and mature spiritually in Christ, and for the four new people who are […]

Ecuador: conflict and violence

As Ecuador faces a continued wave of violence fuelled by the drugs trade please pray for peace and for good government in the country. Recent violence involving gangs fighting over cocaine transportation routes has left gang members dead, prison guards held hostage and recently the mayor of the city of Manta was assassinated. Pray for […]

DR Congo: ongoing conflict

Bisoke Balikenga, local partner in Bunia, writes that people are exhausted due to the incessant violence. Please pray for Christians who are beginning to waver in their faith, when peace remains elusive and their prayers seem to go unanswered.