Previous prayer news

Previous prayer news items

Worldwide: climate crisis

Pray for the many people around the world experiencing the effects of the climate crisis. Where extreme weather and flooding is damaging infrastructure and putting lives at risk, where heatwaves are causing fires, where healthcare systems are strained because people aren’t coping with the heat, pray for God to intervene.

Britain: people in mission conference

Please pray for our people in mission conference next week – for a time of refreshment and restoration for all those attending, including our international visitors from around the world.

Britain: coming together to learn

Praise God that partners from Latin America, Asia, the Middle East and Africa have been able to join CMS staff for a time of mutual sharing, learning and interchange in Oxford. Praise God for all those who have worked so hard to put together a programme and look after our international guests during this time. […]

Sudan: ongoing violence in Khartoum

Pray for the people of Khartoum, where the violent conflict which began in April this year continues to cause destruction, devastation, loss of life and tear families apart. Pray for peace and reconciliation to come to this broken nation and for God’s healing to be poured out.

Lebanon: ongoing financial crisis

Pray for Lebanon, where the financial crisis continues. Please pray for God-fearing leaders to come forward, for grace and mercy on the people, for economic and political change.

Brazil: social supermarket

Mission partners Rosie and Stu Bayford write that a change in staff at one of their suppliers has made it more difficult to consistently provide food for the local community. They have been able to continue to provide for customers through different suppliers, but this is only a week-to-week solution. Pray for Rosie and Stu […]

Argentina: mission work going forward

Having returned to the UK, Nick Drayson and Catherine Le Tissier ask for prayer for those who will take forward the mission work in the diocese of Northern Argentina and in the Province of South America, especially leaders adjusting to new roles in AMARE and other organisations.

Uganda: Archbishop Janani Luwum Theological College

Mission partners Sarah and Simon Cawdell ask for prayer for wisdom as they develop relationships and assess the priorities for their work in Gulu, Uganda. Pray, too, for Sarah as she battles with the bureaucracy necessary to register Archbishop Janani Luwum Theological College with the National Council for Higher Education. This is by no means […]

Malaysia: Asia Gateway

Mission partner Berdine van den Toren-Lekkerkerker asks for prayer for the participants of June’s Asia Gateway programme and for their families, communities and ministries. The study programme brought together leaders in mission from 10 different countries and offered participants the chance to spend time together, learn with and from each other and be built up […]

Iran: new charges against two pastors from the Church of Iran movement

Yousef Nadarkhani and Abdolreza (Matthias) Haghnejad were recently required to go to court on unspecified security charges. Both Yousef and Abdolreza have previously been in prison in connection with their faith and are now up on new charges after a married couple from the same religious movement made a complaint about them to the Iranian […]

India: landslides, flash floods

Northern India has recently seen torrential downpours leading to landslides and flash floods. Hundreds of roads have been blocked by landslides and flooding has filled streets with debris. At least 22 people have died as a result. Pray for all those affected by the disaster and those involved in rescue and rebuilding efforts.

All regions: CMS international weeks

Please pray as leaders of mission movements travel from near and far to gather in Oxford for a time of mutual sharing, learning and interchange at CMS House over the next couple of weeks. Pray particularly for Mirna Paulo and Joel Millanguir who are joining us from Latin America to be able to fully participate […]