Previous prayer news items
Uganda: training for young people
Judith Murungi, CMS-Africa’s country coordinator for Uganda, asks for prayer for upcoming 3D (Discover, Develop, Deploy) training for young people in Nakasongola from 2–7 December. Pray for the participants to be motivated to discover their gifting and step into new opportunities.
UK: pioneer students
Lift up CMS pioneer students who are graduating on 4 December – may they be able to have a joyous celebration in the midst of the busy pre-Christmas season. Please also pray for fresh energy in the last few weeks before Christmas for those students who have not yet finished their studies.
Israel-Palestine and Lebanon: how to pray?
Mission partners Fiona and Joel, who are usually based in Jordan, help to guide our prayers
Ukraine: 1,000 days of war
On Tuesday, Ukraine marked 1,000 days since the Russian invasion. Our local partners Valery Alymov and Anya Manchuliak, with mission partner Alison Giblett, invite us to pray: Valery and Anya have sent a video message here.
Africa: training leaders
Mission partners in different areas of Africa report that teaching terms are coming to a close. In Uganda, Sarah and Simon Cawdell give thanks for training for lay readers trained this term at Archbishop Janani Luwum Theological College in Gulu, Uganda. Pray for these leaders as they return to their churches equipped with more biblical […]
Brazil: prison ministry
Mission partners Andy and Kati Walsh and Katia Rocks are involved in prison ministry in Florianópolis, Brazil. They invite us to give thanks for men engaging with discipleship materials and to pray for Jesus to bring lasting transformation in their lives. They also ask us to pray that obstacles in running courses in the women’s […]
DR Congo: Sunday school ministry
Give thanks for a gathering in Bunia to write Sunday school resources for the Anglican Church across Congo. Local partner Bisoke Balikenga and mission partner Martin Gordon participated in this first attempt to write coordinated resources for the whole church. Pray for the team putting together these resources, and for children in the churches to […]
Peru: reaching people at the edges
Please pray for a gathering in Lima over the next week (24 November to 1 December) bringing together CMS people in mission and pioneers who are exploring ways to share Jesus with people who wouldn’t ordinarily connect with churches. As the group comes together from across Latin America to discern how to catalyse more creative […]
Ukraine: 1,000 days of war
A video message for you from local partners Valery Alymov and Anya Manchuliak
Bolivia: political unrest
Political struggles between current President Luis Arce and former President Evo Morales continue to cause blockades and protests and sometimes violence. There have been shortages including fuel causing several hours’ worth of queues at petrol stations. Please continue to pray for good governance of the country, for peace (particularly in the run-up to elections in […]
Ecuador: increasing violence
Ongoing battles between rival drug trafficking gangs have become increasingly violent in recent years, and a recent prison battle in El Litoral prison left 15 dead. With elections looming early next year, violence is expected to increase further as drug gangs try to influence the outcome. Please pray for peace and for an end to […]