Previous prayer news items
Thailand: Keeping Families Together
“Pray for us as we navigate partnership with a local Thai church in running our Keeping Families Together programme,” write Elise and Jon Fletcher, mission partners supporting vulnerable families in Khlong Toei, a Bangkok slum. Pray for grace for Elise and Jon as they navigate cultural differences and model a “no strings attached” service for […]
UK: Community Shed in Carlisle
Pray for God’s clear leading for mission partner Garry Ion and others running Carlisle’s Community Shed as they consider whether to stay at their present location or look for a new venue. Give thanks that both the Shed and the Community Warm Space are a blessing to many in the community who struggle with loneliness, […]
DR Congo: violent conflict
Please continue to pray for people in DR Congo, where conflict is raging on and more people are losing their lives. In addition to Goma, rebels have now taken the town of Bukavu, leading to more people being displaced and more deaths. Further north, in Ituri province, a different rebel group have killed more than […]
Guatemala: support for local worship teams
Mission partners Azaria and David Pocasangre support vulnerable communities, especially young people and families, through partnership with local churches. Pray for guidance and wisdom for David as he leads a new process for people to join worship bands at local churches. Pray for the new process to encourage people to join their church’s worship band […]
Spain/North Africa: considering a move
Please pray for mission partners based in Spain who are sharing Christ with as many people as they can and supporting Arab Christians across the Middle East. These mission partners are currently considering moving to another city so that their kids can attend a Christian high school. Pray that if this is God’s will, he […]
South Asia: theological education
Praise God for a good start for a newly enrolled cohort of students doing a Master of Arts in Christian Studies in South Asia. They began their first module on research methods earlier this month and are now doing some field research before returning to their base for the second half of the module next […]
Thailand: Sunday school staff
Pray for more staff for Sunday school at Jason and Tracy Day’s church in Chiang Mai, where Tracy is Sunday school team leader. Pray for people to be convicted of the need to teach children about God and his word and what it means to live as Jesus wants us to, and join the team.
Uganda: college registration
Mission partners Sarah and Simon Cawdell ask for prayer for the registration of Archbishop Janani Luwum Theological College, of which Sarah is principal. Pray for a breakthrough in this situation, which has been at a standstill for close to two years. Simon is also working with diocesan staff to produce a budget for the first […]
UK: Asian Christianity pathway open evening
Pray for an open evening coming up on 25 February for people who are interested in CMS’s Asian Christianity MA pathway. Pray for potential students to find the evening helpful, informative and encourage them to sign up if the course is right for them.
Ukraine: national day of prayer
Mission partner Alison Giblett, based in Kyiv, shares that attacks continue and that there is much concern about negotiations with Putin. Pray for God to change hearts and steer negotiations towards a just peace. Stand with Ukrainian Christians as they hold a national day of prayer this coming Monday, 24 February, a date which marks […]
Brazil: ReVive
Short-termer Ellie Dixon has been working with girls at risk, on placement with the charity ReVive in Recife over the past few months. She asks for prayer for a new girl who recently arrived at the ReVive safe house having left a difficult family situation. Please pray for this girl as she settles into a […]
DR Congo: violent conflict
Please pray for the people of DR Congo, where recent violent conflict has engulfed the area of Goma. Thousands of people have been displaced, women have been brutally attacked and basic supplies are running out. Pray for comfort and hope for all those suffering and living in fear, for provision of basic supplies and for […]