Previous prayer news items
Madagascar: training
CMS-Africa’s country coordinator for Madagascar, Ialy Tongasoa, asks for prayer for upcoming courses taking place 18–30 November. Pray for young people undergoing the 3D training (Discover, Develop, Deploy) to recognise their own potential and gain the confidence and tools they need to move forward. Pray for women on the women’s empowerment course to be equipped […]
Middle East: desperate for peace
Mission partner H working across the Middle East asks that we continue to pray over the situation in Gaza. So much infrastructure has been destroyed, so many people have been killed and there is still no resolution in sight. People are on alert 24 hours a day, unable to sleep due to the constant threat […]
Peru: gathering to discern how to reach people at the edges
Please pray for a gathering taking place in Lima from 24 November to 1 December where people in mission will come together with CMS pioneers, who serve God at the edges of church in creative and surprising ways, to look at how to reach people who have no connection to church. Ahead of the gathering, […]
South Sudan: peace in Abyei and Twic
Paul Lueth, a local partner in South Sudan, asks for prayer for a lasting peace in the Abyei and Twic areas of the country. It was recently reported that innocent people who travelled from Khartoum to South Sudan were ambushed in those areas and that four people died. Please pray for Paul and others as […]
Thailand: safe, nurturing families
Mission partners Elise and Jon Fletcher work in Khlong Toey, the biggest slum community in Bangkok, sharing Jesus with people and offering a number of different types of practical support. Jon also has a role on the Alternative Care Thailand team, who are working with the Thai government on a 20-year plan to transform the […]
Archbishop of Canterbury’s resignation
In the wake of the resignation of the Archbishop of Canterbury, who has been our patron since taking office in 2013, we join in prayer for the victims and survivors of abuse everywhere, especially in church settings.
Brazil: women’s prison ministry
Mission partners Andy and Kati Walsh ask for prayer for ongoing challenges with ministry in the local women’s prison, where prison staff are not necessarily positive towards Christian ministry. Kati’s activities in the prison are currently suspended, apparently due to issues related to staff shortages and logistical constraints. Please stand in prayer with Andy and […]
Ethiopia: literacy for women
Mission partners Chris and Suzy Wilson ask for prayer for women in refugee camps who are learning to read in their mother tongue, and the local teacher who is teaching reading and writing for the first time. Learning to read would open up a number of opportunities for women in refugee camps, including access to […]
Madagascar: food shortages
CMS-Africa’s country coordinator in Madagascar, Ialy Tongasoa, asks for prayer for people in the south of the country, where food is in short supply until the next harvest in mid-December. Pray for food to stretch further during this lean time.
Middle East: ongoing conflicts
Pray for people in the Middle East, where conflicts rage on. According to the Lebanese health ministry, at least 40 people were killed in Israeli air strikes in eastern Lebanon this week. Pray for God to turn people’s hearts towards forgiveness, reconciliation and peace.
Nepal: palliative care
Mission associates Andy and Judy Cordell, doing palliative care work in Nepal, write that Judy has now returned to the UK while Andy is staying in Nepal for a couple more weeks. They ask for prayer for safety in travel, for Andy’s remaining time to be productive and for God’s leading in the meetings of […]