Previous prayer news

Previous prayer news items

Ethiopia: health concerns

Chris and Suzy Wilson, mission partners working in reconciliation and peacebuilding with Christian leaders in Addis Ababa, ask for prayer for Simon. Simon is one of Chris and Suzy’s former students from their previous work in the Gambella area and now works alongside Chris training church leaders in refugee camps. Recently, a few serious health […]

Peru: Indigenous Mission Synod

An indigenous mission synod will be held in Lima, Peru from 16–20 January. Indigenous leaders from across Latin America will be meeting to pray, discern, discuss and plan activities for this new year in God’s mission, focusing on leadership formation. As they review the last year, give thanks for all those who have been equipped […]

South Africa: theological training

We give thanks with mission partners Caroline and Dick Seed for training they recently delivered at the Anglican seminary in Chile to equip lecturers of theology in the country to make the most of their theology training in their teaching. Caroline and Dick are now back in South Africa and will each be providing training […]

Tibet: earthquake

Please pray for Tibet as people recover and rebuild following this week’s 7.1-magnitude earthquake. Over 120 people have been killed and more may have died due to hypothermia while trapped beneath rubble. Pray for encouragement, strength and stamina for all those involved in treating the injured and helping the displaced. Where provisions fall short, pray […]

Vietnam: evangelistic gatherings

We praise God with CMS’s manager in Asia for evangelistic gatherings which have recently taken place in Vietnam. Praise God that people have heard the truth proclaimed. Pray for the seeds of faith that have been sown to take root and grow.

Bolivia: Christmas outreach and marriage ministry

CMS local partner and Bishop of Bolivia Walter Toro asks us to pray for an upcoming Christmas outreach campaign at Misión Ajaría in La Paz, where church workers hope to bring the good news and share the love of Jesus with a community in need. Pray that people will meet Jesus. Bishop Walter also invites […]

DR Congo: bereavement

Please pray for Manasseh (as featured in our Christmas appeal), who works with local partner Bisoke Balikenga at the peace centre in Bunia, eastern DR Congo. Manasseh recently lost four loved ones in a short space of time. Pray for God’s comfort, and for Manasseh’s faith to be strengthened during this very difficult time.

Middle East: peace

Please pray for the Prince of Peace to reign in the Middle East this Christmas and turn people’s hearts to reconciliation and peace. Pray for wisdom for leaders in Israel, Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen and beyond, and for courageous leadership that embraces humility and vulnerability for the sake of peace with justice across the region. […]

South Asia: consultation in the New Year

Please pray for the South Asia Christian Youth Network (SACYN) as they plan for a 2025 consultation on intergenerational leadership. Pray for God’s leading for the team so that they can make decisions in unity and facilitate a productive, Spirit-led consultation.

UK: Christmas message from Bishop Martin Gordon

We give thanks that mission partner Martin Gordon, Bishop of Goma, DR Congo, has been given the opportunity to preach at midnight communion on Christmas Eve from St Mary’s Warwick, and broadcast on BBC One. Pray for God to speak to people’s hearts through Martin’s message.

Ukraine: Christmas outreach

Please pray for our partners in Ukraine: mission partner Alison Giblett, local partner Anya Manchuliak and local partner Valery Alymov, who is pastor of the Tabernacle of the Living God church in Kyiv. The church is putting on several events for the local community over Christmas. Pray that God will make known the great offer […]

Worldwide: Christmas break

As CMS people in mission and staff celebrate Christmas, please pray for a restful time with family and friends for those who will see them, and a meaningful time of celebrating the coming of Jesus for all. For those in countries where there is persecution, pray for safety. Pray for fresh vision for how God […]