Tragedy, trauma, transformation
Refugees in northern Uganda are seeing how following Jesus makes peace possible
Read more about the impact of our work and what we are seeing God do
Latest prayer news
Ecuador: rain
A recent drought has led to power outages due to the country’s high reliance on hydroelectric power. Mission partner Beverley Cannon de Pinos asks for prayer for rain to replenish the rivers and hydroelectric plants. Pray, too, for the government’s plans for contracts for energy from other sources to be finalised in the coming months and…
Nepal: mental health training
Give thanks for the safe return of mission associates Claire and Ian Ferrer to the UK after nearly six weeks in Nepal teaching on mental health to various organisations all over the country. Pray for people to have gained understanding and knowledge about mental health and for them to be able to use this knowledge in…
North Africa: new placement
We give thanks with mission associates C and E for their new placement in North Africa and that their visas have been approved. Pray for this couple as they transition to their new location and prepare to officially take up their placement in the New Year. Pray for practical matters such as accommodation to fall into…