
Tragedy, trauma, transformation

Refugees in northern Uganda are seeing how following Jesus makes peace possible

Read more about the impact of our work and what we are seeing God do

Latest prayer news

  • Madagascar: rural communities with limited healthcare

    Ialy Tongasoa, CMS-Africa’s country coordinator for Madagascar, asks for prayer for the rural communities in Toliara, where a lot of people are affected by malaria and most live far away from medical centres. Please also pray for local partner Florent Lahitody, who is undergoing surgery this month.

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  • Pakistan: increased protection from early and forced marriages

    This week, the National Assembly of Pakistan raised the legal marriage age for Christians to 18 for both boys and girls (raised from 16 and 13 respectively). Praise God for this new legislation, which will help to protect young girls from early and forced marriages and ensure their right to education.

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  • South Asia: transitioning to Ireland

    B and K, who are finishing as mission partners, ask for prayer for B as he remains in South Asia and waits to join the rest of the family in Ireland. Pray for his visa to come through quickly. We praise God that K has a job lined up ready to start when B joins…

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