Partnership for Missional Church resources
Free download: Dwelling in the Word ‘how to’ guide

We Are Here Now
A new missional era
This ground-breaking book introduces a new era of mission – discovering our partners – experimenting – visioning for embodiment – learning and growing – mentoring and sharing.

Dwelling in the Word
A pocket handbook
Experience and adopt for your congregation this tested habit for deep listening to God, one another, and your neighbour. Live into a Bible passage and see how it shapes your group’s imagination and vision for God’s mission through your church.
Grove Books related to PMC, by Nigel Rooms and Pat Keifert

Spiritual Leadership in the Missional Church
A systems approach to leadership as cultivation
How can leaders hold their Christian community in tension with the needs of newcomers and the unchurched, and remain open to the missional opportunities that lie beyond the church walls?

Forming a Missional Church
Creating deep culture change in congregations
Change is a certainty in the life of any church, although it may be slow in coming to pass. This study argues that far from being resisted, change must be embraced if congregations are to become missional communities.

Missional Church
What does good look like?
is helpful guide invites congregations to discover where God is already at work in their local context, and to take up the call to catalyse in the world a glimpse of God’s future.

Missional Church: stories
Some stories from participants in Partnership for Missional Church, supplementary to Missional Church: What Does Good look like?
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