CMS Southern conference 2024
19 to 21 April 2024
The Challenges of Refugees – Loving our Neighbours
How can we help and support our neighbours from near and far?
Venue: High Leigh, Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire
To book: please download the form below.

Lea and Petra Williams
Lea and Petra Williams are CMS mission partners in Brno, Czech Republic, where they lead the Anglican congregation, a young community committed to missional hospitality and connecting with the significant student population. Since their arrival in late 2021 the Czech Republic has welcomed almost 500,000 refugees, the highest per capita intake within the EU. From the onset of the conflict in Ukraine, Lea and Petra have supported a local NGO offering essential aid and information to hundreds of refugees. Their efforts have evolved to encompass long-term support, including emergency accommodation, emotional support and educational programmes.

Phil and Sylvie Good
Phil and Sylvie Good were CMS mission partner in Lebanon until last year, connecting and sharing life with people who desperately need to know the God who leaves no one behind even when everyone else has moved on. In Beirut, people were reeling from multiple crises and hungry for the hope the gospel brings. Many Syrian refugees have committed their lives to Jesus and are exploring their newfound faith, while others are waiting to hear the good news. As well as investing time in people in Beirut, Phil and Sylvie helped CMS local partners in the north of Lebanon with developing a new building for a school providing education to Syrian refugees.

Our chaplain
Rev Susan Height has been a parish priest for the last twenty years, retiring from full time ministry in South London in April 2022. She has experience in pastoral care within a parish setting and is a trained spiritual director and life coach. Her ministry has involved working with many asylum seekers and refugees both in Birmingham and South London. Currently she is part of a team who manage a Christian community – church, Bible study, a community garden project and social activities – for Iranian asylum seekers in local hostels.
The Church Mission Society Southern Conference welcomes members, supporters and friends of CMS. It is organised by a team of CMS members from the south of England and runs from 6pm Friday 19 April to 2pm Sunday 21 April 2024.
Jesus spent much of his time with people at the edges, and that’s where we want to be too. Church Mission Society invites people at the edges of church, the edges of society and the edges of our comfort zones to follow Jesus and play a part in his story. Come with us to the edges and discover God at work in ways you might not have expected.
High Leigh is a major Christian conference centre at Hoddesdon in Hertfordshire. It is easily accessible from the A10. Detailed maps will be sent with the conference programme to all participants in early March. High Leigh has single and double rooms with en-suite bathrooms. The conference will also be accessible online through Zoom – contact Jane for details.