Alison Giblett, Ukraine

Alison Giblett, Ukraine

Providing spiritual and material care to those in need through my church and the Genesis ministry (helping people with destructive behaviours)

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Since Russian forces entered Ukraine on 24 February 2022, the country has been in great need. As this has been my home and community since God called me to Kyiv in 2004, I remained in Ukraine (following guidance from CMS and my local pastor). With my church, I continue to seek to offer practical, spiritual and emotional support to people whose lives have been torn apart by the war, in Kyiv and beyond.

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More about Alison

In Kyiv, I am part of a church called Tabernacle of the Living God. We long to bring the hope of Jesus to those who are struggling. Prior to the war we served in evangelism and church planting locally and abroad. Through the power of God’s spirit, we reached out through evangelistic concerts, youth and children’s ministry and personal prophetic prayer to bring people to salvation.

At present our focus is on working with people who are in great need, particularly in the de-occupied regions, both in terms of basic material things and due to the emotional and spiritual impact of the war. We see great challenges, but we are also privileged to see God at work, and we are encouraged knowing God protects and provides for us. We are creating a refuge space in the building we rent for our church, where we will be able to offer food, warmth, somewhere to charge phones etc. and an internet connection. We will also have space to listen to people and pray with them through this deeply difficult time. With the restoration team we travel to de-occupied areas further east and south, again bringing practical assistance and listening to people.

I also serve with Genesis ministry, which helps people grappling with life controlling behaviours to shed destructive habits and learn to rely on God. Support groups help people identify things that are hindering their relationship with God and others. Prayer, scripture confession, forgiveness, mutual support and practical action are all part of the healing process. Groups are currently running in person in Ukraine and online for those who have had to leave the country.

I was born in Thailand and grew up in Papua New Guinea, so I had early exposure to mission and different cultures. I responded to God’s call to mission at 16, but never expected to go to the Soviet Union. In 1991 God used a Russian pastor to challenge me to move there. So I left my computer career in London and have been serving since 1993, initially doing evangelism and discipleship in the Urals. Later, God brought me into drug rehabilitation ministry and Bible teaching, linked with the International Substance Abuse and Addiction Coalition (ISAAC), first in the Caucasus and then in Kyiv from 2004.

I am grateful to be sent out with the vital prayer and support through Church Mission Society. CMS is a diverse network of ministers and lay people who strive to share Jesus’ love and truth in a wide variety of practical ways. Though we come from different backgrounds, as we serve Christ together we become friends.

Pray for Ukraine

Our page with all the latest updates from Alison and the team in Ukraine.

  • UK: upcoming ordination

    Pat Blanchard, formerly a mission partner in Peru, is being ordained priest next Saturday, 29 June at Winchester Cathedral. She will be licensed to serve at St Christopher’s, Southbourne, where she has been worshipping for the past 18 months. The ordination service will be live-streamed; more details will become available nearer the time at Pray for… Read more

  • South East Asia: safety and settling in

    Please pray for mission partners B and M – for protection for B as he travels next month, for B’s visa for Ireland to come through and for the family as they settle into life in Ireland for their home leave. Read more

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