Elise and Jon Fletcher, Thailand
Immersing ourselves in the life of a vibrant slum community, sharing Jesus’ love with people through both presence and project-based support
We are working with CMS to empower people pushed to the edges of life to reach their God-given potential
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More about our work
In Khlong Toei, the biggest slum community in Bangkok, 100,000 people are living in material poverty, unaware of their God-given worth.
We want to show Jesus’ love for these people on the margins through sharing everyday life and being good neighbours. As we are blessed by new relationships, we bring an outsider’s perspective that sees the assets in a community that is often overlooked.
Having lived in this slum community since 2014, we have seen that for many families, life is fragile and chaotic. Many people are living simply to survive, and this hand-to-mouth existence means a family can quickly face crisis if the breadwinner is unable to work and pay the rent on time.
The most important aspect of our ministry is being present in this community, investing in relationships, listening deeply and sharing in people’s joys and sorrows. Day-to-day, this could mean taking someone to hospital, visiting a neighbour in prison, helping to fight evictions, supporting local leaders, or just being a listening ear.
We also support local families to stay together as poverty is the driver for the high number of orphanages in Thailand. Through Step Ahead Thailand (SAT), we offer support to families who need it with the Keeping Families Together project.
We hope to see family crises averted, parents supported and children living stable and fulfilled lives. We hope to see people find new space to dream and use God-given skills, and that the local church will be empowered to bless and include those on the margins.
Jon is also working towards seeing all children in safe and nurturing families through his role on the Alternative Care Thailand (ACT) team, which is working with the Thai government to reform the care system. Jon uses his medical background to advocate for care reform, bringing a trauma-informed perspective from his years of working as a GP.
We hope that this work will lead to policy change that will eventually trickle down to families in communities like ours.
Our story
We both grew up in Christian families and made decisions to follow Jesus for ourselves as young teenagers, knowing that this commitment could take us anywhere!
We met while doing our A-levels and got married while at university. We have three children, Elliot, Sam and Bow.
Around 2012, we began to feel unsettled about the divisions and social inequality in our world. As we spent time in the gospels, we realised that following Jesus should take us on a downwards journey towards the people and places others avoid. On holiday in Thailand, we found the contrast between rich and poor confronting – and then in 2014 we moved to live in the Khlong Toei slum community.
Our latest update
We are working with CMS to empower people pushed to the edges of life to reach their God-given potential
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Jesus is empowering people at the edges…
We are working with CMS to empower people pushed to the edges of life to reach their God-given potential