Hemkhomang Haokip, India


Hemkhomang Haokip, India

Serves at a theological college that strives to equip lay leaders in the church as well as up-and-coming leaders in the Church and society.

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I am serving in a theological college that strives to equip lay leaders of the church who have never had any theological training. Most of our local churches are under the care of untrained lay leaders; that’s why this training is crucial.

We also train young people who are prospective leaders in the church and in society.

My theological trainings have given me a strong desire to serve among the poor and downtrodden, and this commitment has brought me to where I am serving at the moment.

  • South Asia: relocating

    Pray for mission partners formerly in South Asia who are in the process of relocating. Give thanks that one of them has now got a job, which is very timely. Please continue to pray for a visa for the spouse and also fvor finding accommodation, and schooling for the children. Read more

  • India: heatwave

    Copy hePlease continue to pray for people in India, where the heatwave continues. High temperatures (above 40C every day, and over 50C at times in some locations), combined with humidity, hot winds, water shortages and power outages, are causing people to die of heat stroke. Pray for a cool change to come through and for… Read more

Hemkhomang’s story

I was born and brought up in a devoted Christian family with 10 members including my parents. My parents were illiterate with no proper employment at hand. So, I grew up under severe poverty with no proper educational foundation.

However, my parents had a strong desire and commitment to serve the Lord with whatever means at their disposal. So, when I was about 10, my parents had a strong desire to dedicate me into full-time ministry under the guidance of a pastor. Since then, I was constantly in the prayers of my family and church so that one day I would be serving the Lord full time.

The Lord answered our prayers and I was convinced of the Lord’s call in the year 2000. That was followed by two stages of theological training between 2002 and 2010 for my Bachelor of Divinity and Masters in Theology programmes.

Rev Hemkhomang is a local partner working with Asia-CMS and jointly supported by Church Mission Society.

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