Indira Thapa, Nepal


Indira Thapa, Nepal

Leader of the National Mission Commission of Nepal (NMCN), a Christian, indigenous social organisation.

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Indira recently assumed the leadership of the National Mission Commission of Nepal (NMCN), the national Christian indigenous, interdenominational and non-profit social organisation based in Kathmandu.

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Indira’s story

Indira grew up in a Christian family but personally accepted Christ as her Saviour when she was 14 years old. Since then, she committed her life to God and became involved in various spheres of God’s mission through different works.

She began working in NMCN in 2005 and it was there when she first felt that her missional journey for God’s Kingdom had truly begun. She became inspired to do something that would make a difference in the lives of people and for them to know Jesus in their life. This led her to go to Bible College with her husband for further theological education.

They both attended the International Graduate school of Leadership (IGSL) in Philippines for three years. After graduating from IGSL, together with her husband, Indira started to teach in a Bible College and began conducting Bible study and discipleship with young people.

She also started to help in their local church ministry, all the while experiencing God working through them to reach out to others. Indira is grateful for God’s faithfulness in every step of her life, which gives her strength to keep on moving, working for God’s kingdom and being part of God’s mission.

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