Hassan James, Sudan


Hassan James, Sudan

Assistant bishop of Kadugli diocese, training church leaders and young people, preaching the word and serving the church

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The situation of war in Kadugli (Nuba Mountains) has impact for the Anglican churches in general and Kadugli diocese in particular. So in this case we thank God for calling us into his ministry to help others whom are in need. To teach them the word of God and pray with them. To solve their problems and show them the right path of their life.

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Bishop Hassan’s story

My role in the Diocese of Kadugli is: to look after the Anglican churches in the Diocese of Kadugli; to train the leadership of the Anglican churches in area of management so that they are able to handle and manage their churches in the right ways and without fear; to train Mothers’ Union; to train youth (males and females) of the churches; to preach the word of God to the believers in the church and to do confirmation and baptism.

First: I thank God for his love and mercy upon me up to this age and for calling to me into his ministry. Secondly: I am from Nuba Mountains, South Kordufan, Kadugli and things that have qualified me are the knowledge that I received from Alexandria School of Theology in Egypt (and that by help of CMS financially until my graduation – my great thanks goes to CMS in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ) and also the pastoral work in the churches.

I am part of CMS-Africa because CMS is the one who brought the Good News of the Lord Jesus Christ to the people or nation who live in the darkness in this part of the world. And also CMS has strong history on mission and in witness and faithfulness in the service of God. And we are the partnership in the field of our Lord and also we are sharing our difficulty and experience to meet the need of others.

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