Jason and Tracy Day, Thailand

Jason and Tracy Day, Thailand

Seconded to OMF, Jason is an area personnel manager and Tracy is a mum, Sunday school team leader and part-time child safety officer.

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We see a huge need for mission in East Asia. Statistics show that only one in 10 non-Christians in Asia actually knows a Christian. Other figures suggest that in East Asia there are 667 million people without access to the gospel. With a huge need for mission comes a huge need for mission support. For every frontline combat soldier, there are approximately eight people supporting them. In mission it is no different – missionaries across East Asia need support in order to be as effective as possible. This is where we come in. We serve in order to enable others to serve.

Get all their news and updates:

  • Thailand: update on Narin

    Mission partners Jason and Tracy Day share an update on their friend Narin. Narin used to be homeless but has seen his circumstances change over the past few months since he started going to church and gave his life to Jesus, and was until recently working. Sadly, Narin has now lost his job. He is… Read more

  • Pakistan: increased protection from early and forced marriages

    This week, the National Assembly of Pakistan raised the legal marriage age for Christians to 18 for both boys and girls (raised from 16 and 13 respectively). Praise God for this new legislation, which will help to protect young girls from early and forced marriages and ensure their right to education. Read more

Jason and Tracy’s story

Based in Chiang Mai with two children, Ruby and Libby, who are both in secondary school, we have been seconded to Overseas Mission Fellowship (OMF) in Thailand since 2012 to help enable others to fulfil their calling. OMF supports mission across the region, particularly in church planting and encouraging church growth among minority ethnic groups across national borders.

Jason: As area personnel manager, I support OMF leadership and mission partners in East Asia. During the pandemic this involved crisis management – supporting many partners displaced and unable to return to their country of service due to travel restrictions, as well as developing contingency plans for responding to a changed mission climate.

Tracy: I am a housewife and mum. As part-time child safety officer, I help OMF mission partners navigate questions around child protection, helping ensure the safety of mission partners’ children. I lead a Sunday school team at the international church we attend and two prayer teams, one for the school our daughters attend and one on Zoom to pray for the UK.

We are dorm parents for home-schooled mission family teenagers who come one week a month for face-to-face classes. This enables their parents, missionaries throughout the region, to serve in remote areas without schools for their children.

Jason became a Christian at 21: after thinking I would never leave a secure banking career, I found myself at Bible college. This was foundational and I left with a sense of God calling me overseas. Tracy became a Christian at 14 and has felt called to mission work ever since, training with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) and later becoming a nurse.

Our first experience overseas together was a year in Russia with Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO), after which we joined Church Mission Society, spending eight years in Nepal at Tansen Mission Hospital and Nursing School. Jason was team leader for the foreign medical missionaries and their families and Tracy was a part-time nurse tutor and full-time mum.

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