Jeff Sikabwe, DR Congo


Jeff Sikabwe, DR Congo

Country coordinator involved in CMS-Africa’s training courses, mentoring and advocacy

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I am working for transforming perceptions and mentality of people we meet. Helping people to discover their image and understand their mandate in our society. We emphasize the fact that as human beings we have capacity to change life for better. My work helps communities to practically address issues in their lives that need a change.

I am a trainer: sharing knowledge and experience with participants in training. I do follow-up: walking together with and encouraging practitioners in order to succeed in their initiatives. I mentor: building practitioners’ capacities in different aspects connected to their business.

  • Across Africa

    We pray for our colleagues in our sister organisation CMS-Africa, as they lead excellent wholistic training programmes in multiple countries. We pray also for people in mission who are making disciples of Jesus in areas in Africa that are facing continued violent armed conflict, that more and more people of peace will be raised up… Read more

  • Tanzania: renewal of residence and work permits

    Mission partner Heather Johnstone writes that her work and residence permits have been approved for a further two-year period. We give thanks for this open door for Heather to continue her work with some of the most disadvantaged women and children in Mara. Praise God for the Rehema cafe and shop’s recent busy season and… Read more

Jeff’s story

I was born again and called by the grace of God in 1979 to preach the gospel, to make the disciples of Christ, and to serve the body of Christ and the kingdom of God as a full-time servant of the Lord. I will continually serve him until he calls me to heaven, and regardless of any earthly praise or glory. I will go wherever the Lord calls me with thankfulness.
Jeff and Sango Sikabwe are dedicated to serving communities in Africa. Our passion is to see nations transformed by the Spirit and the Word of God. From 2004-2008, I have served as a trainer and translator with Samaritan Strategy Africa (SSA). I trained church leaders, believers and Christian NGO staff in Kenya, Tanzania, Burundi, and Congo.

Since July 2008, we have been relocated to Congo to work with Harvest Foundation. In Congo-Kinshasa, for the last seven years, with our team we conducted trainings for nearly 940 pastors and church leaders, mentored 27, and are engaged in many practical acts of what we call “Seed Projects” or practical acts of loving service to people in need. We also saw the further development of basic teaching curriculum, recruited additional volunteer pastors, and improved our administration.

Through the teachings of Harvest and Samaritan Strategy we communicate God’s plans to people, we encourage members of our Holistic Discipleship Team for Community Transformation to continue “being the Good Samaritans” by serving our neighbours.
With God these small things can make a difference…!

I am part of CMS-Africa to help people to change their mindset in order to do what God intends for them and their communities.

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