Jennifer and Kevin Cable, Israel/Palestine

Jennifer and Kevin Cable, Israel/ Palestine

Working with the Christian community in Jaffa and Jerusalem to strengthen the presence of Christ and to minister to those on the margins

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The Middle East has seen a rapid decline in the number of Christians in recent years.

We are working to build up the Body of Christ, and see the Church become vibrant again in this part of the world. We spend time engaging with those around us, helping to build reconciliation between peoples and to proclaim in words and action the love of our Lord Jesus Christ.

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More about Jennifer and Kevin

We have been based in Jaffa, a place of great biblical significance, since 2021.

During this time, we have been serving our local community practically by supporting those in need, particularly the homeless in central Tel Aviv, and have built important contacts and relations with people of other faith groups, the local municipality of Tel Aviv-Yafo, and of course our Christian neighbours from other denominations in Jaffa.

We are blessed to enjoy a fruitful and strong relationship with them and work together as far as possible to provide Christian care in the community.

All this has taken place alongside extensive Modern Hebrew study, which, although hard work, has meant we have reached the point where we can comfortably communicate fully in Hebrew.

Since we arrived here, we have been working alongside the Anglican Diocese of Jerusalem, and latterly also the Israel Trust for the Anglican Church (ITAC) who have one of their guest houses, Beit Immanuel, in the historic part of Jaffa.

Although it had been hoped to reopen the old Anglican Church of St Peter when we arrived, ongoing delays and legal issues has given us cause to refocus our ministry here to concentrate more on our Christian service and practical ministry in the local community.

Working with both ITAC and alongside the Anglican Diocese, we benefit from their experience and skills gained from their long history of working with all peoples in this land, and this allows us to continue our work in Jaffa, as well as assist them in their ongoing projects across the region.

Kevin was ordained 15 years ago, and is a serving priest in the Anglican Church In North America (ACNA), and was formerly a long serving police officer. Jen has been a nurse for over 30 years, and has spent much of her working life working in practice nursing. She has been active in church all her life after coming to faith as a teenager. Jen brings experience of working in the secular world and as a vicar’s wife.

We believe God will use our experience to provide a solid platform on which to build up the Body of Christ in Jaffa. We feel honoured and humbled to have been called to work with CMS in reenergising and encouraging the Christian community in Jaffa and beyond.

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