Josias Nkusi Sebujisho, Rwanda


Josias Nkusi Sebujisho, Rwanda

Coordinates CMS-Africa’s activities in Rwanda, teaches on CMS-Africa courses and supports around 100 champions and trainers

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I am a church pastor, passionate about reaching people for Jesus and helping people to live according to the Bible. I coordinate CMS-Africa’s activities in Rwanda, focusing on our three foundational training courses: Financial Freedom for Families (F4, a financial literacy course based on biblical principles), training specifically to help women reach their full potential, and 3D – Discover, Develop and Deploy (our youth programme, which helps young people to discover and step into their unique gifting). I also lead Business as Mission (BAM), an exciting movement which recognises business as a calling and encourages businesspeople to see themselves as full time ministers and the marketplace as a mission field.

  • Kenya: visa and restoration of peace and stability

    Pray for Aaron Stanbury as he tries to sort out his visa to continue serving in Nairobi. Please also pray for restoration of peace and stability in Kenya, where there have been demonstrations against proposed tax rises. Pray against the use of excessive force and for young people to be patient, for the government to… Read more

  • South Sudan: new placement

    Nicci Maxwell flies out on Sunday to go to her new placement serving as a doctor at Al Sabah Children’s Hospital, Juba, South Sudan, and at a nearby refugee camp. Pray for Nicci as she settles into a new country and role. Read more

Josias’s story

I grew up in a Christian home and accepted Jesus into my life in 1981. I was ordained as a priest in the Anglican Church like my father before me and am married with six children. I have studied theology, economics and finance and was formerly a lecturer of economics and politics. More recently, I led the Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship in Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo. After I became ordained, I worked as pastor in different parishes within Kigali Diocese.

In 2013, I joined CMS-Africa and became leader of Business as Mission (BAM). In addition to leading this movement, I also run training for women and the training courses F4 and 3D.

I am proud to be part of CMS-Africa, whose vision matches my call and my faith. CMS-Africa makes a real difference by training people to help the needy, to live like Jesus, to escape poverty and bring the gospel to unreached people.

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