Miranda and Tim Heathcote, Spain / North Africa

Miranda and Tim Heathcote, Spain / North Africa

Supporting mission workers, especially in limited access nations, through leadership development, debriefing, spiritual direction and retreats

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North Africa and the Middle East are tough places to be a missionary. During our years serving this region, we have known people imprisoned, abducted and deported, not to mention the less critical pressures that come with living in nations with limited access to the gospel. There is a great need for pastoral care among the workers in this region, as well as training for new workers.

We help grow effective teams and ministries through personnel development from our base in Spain and travelling to support workers across the region. These are primarily missionaries with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) and may also include those affiliated to other agencies.

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More about Miranda and Tim

We have seen that by creating space for people to meet with God and process what is going on in their lives in ministry, they are able to stay longer in their ministry location and become more effective in their work.

We do this in a number of different ways: through leadership seminars, guided debriefs, creative retreat days, guided spiritual retreats, group and individual spiritual guidance and helping people connect with God through nature.

Our week-long, online leadership seminar offers leaders the opportunity to reflect on their leadership journey. This can shed light on many unprocessed experiences people have been carrying with them, which often leads them to request debriefing.

Our region is full of mountains! Tim has trained as a mountain leader and is developing a ministry of mountain journeys and wilderness encounters where people find space to connect with God in nature.

Lots of leaders in this region say they need spiritual guidance, and individual spiritual direction is a primary way we support people working in the region.

Additionally, we offer group spiritual direction as part of a retreat, to facilitate reflection and help people connect with the presence and movement of God in their lives.

Miranda is part of a team offering training for spiritual directors, taking them through a three-year programme specific to spiritual formation in cross-cultural contexts, including the Muslim world.

Locally, we seek to build community and deepen connection through offering retreat days, open mic story nights and a sabbath meal.

We have felt called to mission since early adulthood and have previously worked in Mozambique and South Africa. In 2013 we moved to Spain to be part of this ministry to North Africans and those serving them.

We share a passion to see God’s Kingdom come and we have faith that God’s ways will be established even in the toughest places.

  • Middle East: rest during home leave

    Mission partners J and R, doing Bible translation in the Middle East, are currently on home leave. Pray for them to be able to have their typhoid inoculations as well as get some rest before they head back to the Middle East at the end of November, as their home leave has been very busy… Read more

  • Middle East: prayer for peace

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