Neil and Sue Browning, Uganda

Neil and Sue Browning, Uganda

Neil works as a surgeon at the local government hospital in Moyo and Sue as a lecturer at Kajo-Keji Christian College (KCC).

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Our heartfelt desire is to tell people about Jesus and grow disciples within the refugee community from Kajo-Keji, South Sudan, currently living in Moyo, Uganda. Neil uses his surgical skills in a hospital serving local and refugee communities. Sue works as a lecturer and mentor at Kajo-Keji Christian College, which trains lay and ordained people for the Episcopal Church.

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  • DR Congo: protection from rebel groups

    Local partner Bisoke Balikenga, who runs a peace centre in Bunia, reports that the rebel groups around Goma are approaching Bunia. Please pray for safety for the people of Bunia and for the rebel groups to encounter the presence of God and turn their hearts towards peace. Pray for God’s protection over upcoming CMS-Africa women’s and youth… Read more

  • Ethiopia: training church leaders

    Earlier this year, mission partners Chris and Suzy Wilson were struggling with complications regarding permission for Chris to enter a refugee camp to deliver training to church leaders. Chris and Suzy now write that SIM Ethiopia’s leadership team has helped to address these complications and Chris has been able resume teaching in the camps and… Read more

Neil and Sue’s story

Kajo-Keji College is currently in exile in Uganda due to the civil war in South Sudan. It is playing a crucial role in training pastors and lay ministers. The college is in the process of upgrading its qualifications and they are excited to have Sue on board. Neil has been wanting to work as a mission surgeon for many years. He has been welcomed to work at the government hospital in Moyo, and looks forward to working closely with the medical team in this challenging placement.

We grew up in South Africa and have travelled a lot over the years, always trying to serve God wherever we have been. Neil is a general and vascular surgeon, and has done five short-term stints in Galmi, Niger. Sue is a qualified teacher and licensed lay minister, with some experience of prison ministry. She is completing her Masters in theology in order to be able to better serve the growing church in Africa.

We have been living in the UK for the past 22 years and have four grown up children, three of them based in the UK and one in SA.

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