Noel Diaz, Spain


Noel Diaz, Spain

Pastoring a small church plant, coordinating Bible study groups and continuing to evangelise and draw new people to Jesus.

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My current and future vision is to continue working with and for the people. We hope to open a centre to offer help to the most vulnerable in society and based in our neighbourhood. This would reinforce the help we already offer to the immigrant community, and strengthen our social outreach projects.

My role is made up of full-time pastoral care in the church, together with mission and evangelisation in the wider community. I visit a local residential home for older people and a hospital. I also visit a day centre for people with mental problems. I am also episcopal communications delegate for the diocese.

  • UK: upcoming ordination

    Pat Blanchard, formerly a mission partner in Peru, is being ordained priest next Saturday, 29 June at Winchester Cathedral. She will be licensed to serve at St Christopher’s, Southbourne, where she has been worshipping for the past 18 months. The ordination service will be live-streamed; more details will become available nearer the time at Pray for… Read more

  • South East Asia: safety and settling in

    Please pray for mission partners B and M – for protection for B as he travels next month, for B’s visa for Ireland to come through and for the family as they settle into life in Ireland for their home leave. Read more

Noel’s story

I started on my faith journey when I was 14 years old, by helping out in my parish as part of the Renovation in the Holy Spirit movement. At 16 I left home and my home city and went as a missionary to serve God and preach his word in an organisation called Apostolic Missionaries of the Word (Misioneros Apostoles de la Palabra). After a year I was sent to Guatemala where I completed my high school exams and helped in evangelisation and Bible teaching in various local parishes. After two years I returned to Nicaragua and took up a role in an Episcopal Church of Nicaragua parish.

In 2011 and by God’s providence I was approved as a candidate to travel to Spain and study a course lasting a couple of months. So I arrived in Spain and God called me to the Episcopal Church in Zaragoza, planting a new parish in this a strategic city between Madrid and Barcelona.

The beginning of my ministry was traumatic – starting from zero, with no support but that of God and the diocesan bishop. However, step by step we made progress, although it was difficult and I can’t deny that I shed many tears and suffered times of sadness, anxiety and discouragement. But with God’s help we managed to get through all the trials and the congregation has celebrated its fourth anniversary. We have a long way to go but we are getting stronger day by day.

Being part of Church Mission Society is a blessing for me. As part of the programme I don’t feel alone, but supported and endorsed by my brothers and sisters, who like me give our lives to the service of God and his gospel. I know that others pray for me as I pray for them. This makes me happy as I know I am not alone in the mission task God has called me to.

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