Paul and Sarah Tester, Peru

Paul and Sarah Tester, Peru

Paul is working to establish a truly Latin American mission movement for Latin America and Sarah serves in children’s ministry.

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After 10 years of working with the Anglican Church of Peru in youth and discipleship ministries, Paul has taken on a new role as CMS mission development manager for Latin America. His main task is working with the Latin American church, key partners in the region and CMS’s people in mission to establish a truly Latin American mission movement.

Get all their news and updates:

  • Venezuela: elections

    Please pray for elections in Venezuela this Sunday, 28 July. May there be free and fair elections where the will of the people is heard and implemented. Two candidates are running – incumbent president, Nicolás Maduro and united opposition candidate Edmundo González (two other opposition candidates have already been barred from participating). Please pray for the right… Read more

  • New centre for new indigenous leaders

    Thanks to your support, a new generation of leaders are building faith on a firm foundation Read more

Paul and Sarah’s story

Paul continues to be a lay minister at St John the Evangelist in Lima, where Sarah teaches in the Sunday school. We are enjoying bringing up our children who were all born here in Peru.

Both of us have had the blessing of growing up knowing Jesus. Sarah first felt God’s call to South America as a teenager, when she was praying about which school subjects to choose. She felt God calling her to learn languages and to serve him as a missionary.

We met at Durham University and began to explore further God’s call on our lives. Having graduated with degrees in languages (Sarah) and civil engineering (Paul), we initially spent a year in Peru serving with the Anglican Church. As a couple we felt God confirm our call and after returning to the UK and working for a number of years (Sarah is a qualified teacher and Paul as a chartered civil engineer) we trained at Redcliffe College’s Centre for Mission Training and returned to Peru in 2007.

Above all, we want people to truly know Jesus, to experience his love and to share his love with others.

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