Salvator Nkorerimana, Burundi


Salvator Nkorerimana, Burundi

Pastor facilitating CMS-Africa’s activities in Burundi and coordinating Matana diocese’s health and HIV/AIDS department

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To represent CMS-Africa in Burundi is to facilitate and coordinate all activities of CMS-Africa in that country. To be an adviser, a person of contact and reporter of the CMS-Africa’s activities in Burundi. My role is to provide coordination between the international office and the communities and churches in Burundi.

For me, being part of CMS-Africa means to serve the Lord through its mission statement: to equip and multiply leaders in the church and society to transform nations. To be part of CMS-Africa also means working together with CMS-Africa in order to renew people’s mindsets through training.

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Salvator’s story

I grew up in Christian home and tried doing good things without knowing God. I knew about God, but I didn’t truly know him or understand the gospel. God eventually convicted me of my sin of drinking, but I was living a sinful lifestyle, and had no peace until I heard the true gospel and believed in Jesus Christ.

I trusted Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour on January 1990. I’ll never forget that night when I got saved. I placed my faith in Jesus alone to receive forgiveness of my sins and to become a part of God’s family. None of that compared to the joy I later found in knowing Christ, being forgiven, and being in a right relationship with God. God’s will and purpose were accomplished in my life through his word. The Bible is true when it says that: “all things work together for good…according to his purpose”.

As a young person, I was privileged to grow up in a group of Christians in secondary school, where I developed a gift of singing and preaching. As a teenager, I knew God’s calling was on my life to be in the full-time ministry as a pastor.

After my theological studies at Matana Theological School, the church placed me on youth ministry; where I worked as coordinator of the youth department in Matana diocese.

After two years, my bishop changed my placement to the TEE programme (Theological Education by Extension) in Matana diocese where I worked as accountant and secretary for seven years. Now I’m a coordinator of the health and HIV/AIDS department in my diocese.

I thank God for helping me in his ministry and giving me a new vision and getting a privilege to work in his ministry.

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