Sharon Wilcox, Ecuador

Sharon Wilcox, Ecuador

Working with people with learning disabilities, teaching them life skills and seeking to enable them to become independent

I am working with CMS to bring hope where people have given up on God and the church

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More about my work

People with learning disabilities in Ecuador are under-valued and often hidden from society.

I have knowledge and experience, as well as the drive to try and change that for them and their community. I want people in Ecuador and other Latin American countries to realise that their lives will be enriched by getting to know people with disabilities.

I have started a project to support local school leavers and adults with learning disabilities, which will help them develop the necessary skills to live as independently as possible.

We hope the life skills programme will develop to the point where participants will have a small business selling homemade craft items so they can gain financial stability.

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My story

All my adult life I have worked with adults with learning disabilities in the UK. Having been a Christian since I was a teenager, I worshipped mostly in Anglican or Baptist churches. After being baptised in 2008, I felt God asking me to serve him overseas.

I spent two weeks in Nepal with the Baptist Mission Society in 2011 before joining Church Mission Society in 2012.

Being part of a large church family network like CMS enables me to carry out my role, knowing that people are praying for me regularly.

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I am working with CMS to bring hope where people have given up on God and the church

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I am working with CMS to bring hope where people have given up on God and the church