Valery Alymov, Ukraine


Valery Alymov, Ukraine

Sharing Jesus with others, preaching the gospel, making disciples and planting churches.

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Due to Ukraine’s history of communism less than two per cent of the population know Jesus Christ as their personal saviour and 20,000 towns and villages have no evangelical church.

I believe that effective evangelism operates through the gifts and power of God’s Spirit, which I continually seek to develop in my own life and all who serve with us. Together we are starting new churches in Ukraine and other countries.

  • UK: riots and protests

    Pray for all those affected by the recent stabbing in Southport and ensuing anti-immigration rioting. Pray for healing, for reconciliation in all the communities where it is needed and for people to build relationships across divides. Pray for Christians and churches to lead the way in not just tolerating but loving our neighbours. Praise God… Read more

  • Ukraine: ongoing war

    Please pray for the people of Ukraine and Russia, where drones have become central to the war and can kill hundreds every day. Please lift up in prayer those who are waging war and ask God to turn their hearts to peace. Pray for strength and encouragement for our people in mission there: Valery, Anya… Read more

Valery’s story

I was born into a communist military family during the Soviet Union where I never heard about God, until 1988, when an audible voice said: “I exist, seek me!” This search took two years till I personally experienced God’s presence and forgiveness after watching the Jesus film.

I didn’t find an evangelical church until 1994 but there I understood that I should not just sit in the pew but serve God will my whole life. In 1996 I preached the gospel to many other military personnel and a year later started the first military church in Ukraine. Over the next six years we started another four churches in the region. I appointed local pastors and was invited to serve mission nationally.

For more than 10 years, CMS mission partner Alison Giblett has served with us in Ukraine. Through her invitation, I visited the CMS offices in 2013 and learnt of their worldwide vision. I love the CMS call and want to do what I can to support it. In turn, the support from CMS will increase our capacity to fulfil this calling.

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