Celebrating a ‘first’
Celebrating a ‘first’
Photo: CMS students celebration at the Univeristy of Durham
It is always exciting to teachers and their schools when students complete their studies and graduate. For us, here at CMS, it was extra special on 4 December when the first cohort of our African Christianity programme students graduated.
by Harvey Kwiyani,
To those of us directly involved in running the programme, teaching and admin staff alike, it felt like the end of the first mile of a journey of many more miles.
We were happy to see that the dreams we – Missio Africanus and Church Mission Society – had a little over three years ago become reality right before our eyes.
Dreams becoming real
We dreamt of students journeying with us over a few years and coming out of the programme with a solid understanding of what God is doing among Africans and how African Christians are now at the very front of what God is doing in the world.

Seeing the smiling faces of the African Christianity graduands and hearing their exhilarating words of gratitude to everyone who helped make their days studying with us fruitful persuaded us that God’s hand is in this work. It is for this reason that we have launched a new pathway in our programme: Asian Christianity.
Each of the students graduating had a few words to say. Rosie spoke about the life-changing impact that the programme had on her understanding of God’s purposes for her life and her ministry.
World of new possibilities
Studying African Christianity and theology at CMS has been the exact piece she needed at this point of her academic and ministerial journey.
It opened for her a new and exciting world of possibilities as she finds herself at several intersections – in her career, ministry, and simply her existence as a female Christian leader of West Indian heritage in England.

Charles celebrated the simple fact that he had been able to study all he did on this programme. He comes from Ghana and serves as a pastor in the Church of Pentecost in London.
He spoke of how studying this programme at CMS has changed the way he leads his congregation in mission in inner-city London. He appreciated that the modules in this programme helped him understand himself as an African serving God in the global city of London.
Tools to share the good news
The programme helped him accumulate the adaptive tools he needs to be effective in sharing the good news of Jesus especially among those at the edges of society in London.
Angelina used a poem entitled ‘Click and Send’ to reflect on the profound journey of studying at CMS. She has graciously agreed for us to share it.

by Angelina Quamina
Captivated by my love for the Lord
Longing to find a place which positioned
the guidance of the Holy Spirit front and center.
Application completed click and send…
I embarked on a voyage of discovery;
as I clicked the link for Church Mission Society;
a step towards purpose realised.
Memories of our first class, Knowing no one;
we began to reflect together, in each class,
friendships blossomed and grew
as we began to unlearn what couldn’t serve us
as we actively listened to the thoughts and opinions of others…
WhatsApp Groups offering comfort and support
as the emotions of everyday integrated into our lives
navigating the hustle and bustle of life…
Time to submit… STOP, Click and Send
Doubts, fear, joy, peace, fellowship, encouragement, worship and prayer…
Words that have become second nature
Seeds planted as I reached forward to grab destiny
Years of discovery, journeying through the highs and the lows
Each conversation and moment brought us closer to graduation day
No longer will we click and send, the final button has been pressed….
Retirement approved…. purpose sought… We step forward…
His Jewels…. His pioneers of destiny
Locked on the Lord… Send Us…
These things – seeing happy students graduate and move on to touch the world for God – are the best experience every teacher hopes for. We get to experience that often because of the many great students God sends us.
We are grateful to them for allowing us to be used by God to share our knowledge and experiences to help them along the journey of their ministries. In the end, all glory belongs to God.
Your opportunity to study
A new cohort of students will join us in September. We are in the process of recruiting for this new cohort.
If you are interested in studying African and Asia Christianity, or you know anybody who you believe may be interested, please, get in touch with us by sending an email to helen.harwood@churchmissionsociety.org.