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Gather: Wild-erness on Anglesey
| This post is from the archive, so it may not look perfect!
Over the jubilee long weekend, former student Gav Mart coordinated a gathering of pioneers in a spectacular spot on Anglesey. Get a flavour of the experience with words by Liz Dunbar, a current CMS student, and photos by Mark Kensett.
I couldn’t have thought of a more appropriate way to spend the Pentecost/Jubilee weekend than in a field in Wales with panoramic views of the sea, glorious sunsets and 100+ pioneers.
We may have experienced all seasons in four days and at times we may have had to wear all of our clothes at once, but because the atmosphere was so relaxed and friendly, then it was a truly joyous event.

We had Maranatha Yoga at 8am facing all of the elements (our tipi allowed us views of the ocean but meant exposure to horizontal rain at times), meditation at 9am and a range of brilliant and inspiring talks at 9.30am each day; a rich way to start the day.
There was always something on offer to do with others until 2pm such as workshops, conversations, reflections and walks but what stood out about this gathering was there was also plenty of time for solitude, casual chats, coastal walks and a trip to the beach/cafe/pub/restaurant in nearby Church Bay.
The evenings were also special because we had “tears rolling down my cheeks” comedy, wonderful music, insightful talks and then a chilled yet uplifting DJ session accompanied by dancing, firepit warming and the most beautiful sunsets.
All the content was helpful to me as a pioneer but the thing I appreciated the most was meeting new people from around the country who were hearing the same thoughts whilst I knew they were understanding them through the highs and lows of pioneering. This meant that our final communion service was even more special. Hearing liturgy in Welsh “on the edge” of our island, as well as other languages, was the perfect end.
Thanks to the organisers for putting this on. You really went above and beyond to make the weekend a success. Iechyd da (cheers).