How a cafe created a church

How a cafe created a church

CMS Pioneer Mission Training graduate Fiona Mayne shared her story of growing a new church with the Pivot podcast of Luther Seminary in the USA.

Fiona Mayne is a pioneer minister for the Church of England and the leader of Haywood Village Church in Weston-super-Mare. She studied for a BA with CMS Pioneer Mission Training.

She was interviewed by Terri Elton and Dwight Zscheile for the Pivot podcast in November about growing a new church community right on her doorstep.

Watch Fiona’s interview on the Pivot podcast

“I have a lot of non-Christians who come to my church, and it’s absolutely amazing.

So one lady came who was a carer and she ended up wanting to get baptised because she just came as a carer, but she found Jesus.

And she said, no other place would have worked for me because you all answered my questions. You made me feel comfortable. We could just have a meal. It was informal. I didn’t feel judged.” And so it’s just meeting the right people in the right place for them, I suppose.”

Audio version:

The Pivot Podcast is a production of Luther Seminary’s Faith Lead. Faith Lead is an ecosystem of theological resources and training designed to equip Christian disciples and leaders to follow God into a faithful future. Learn more at

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