“Informed and transformed”

“Informed and transformed”

Meet Godwin Sottie, one of our year one African Christianity MA students. Because the course is online, students can join from anywhere in the world – Godwin is based in Ghana.

by Helen Harwood,

Godwin, can you tell us a bit about your background, spiritual and practical, in your own words?

I’m Godwin Sottie, I was born in 1982 in Tema Greater Accra of Ghana; a male among three sisters and I’m the last born. My Dad and Mum are both late but I appreciate their role and support throughout their time while they were alive.

I’m married to Charlotte Asheley Tetteh Sottie and we have a son with two other adopted ones.

I’m currently the branch pastor of The Divine Healers Church, Rhema Temple – House of Royals located at Tema Manhean Bankuman of Greater Accra Region. I aspire to grow spiritually and to increase in knowledge to impact the lives of my congregation, society and beyond; with sound doctrine. I want to make a difference in decision-making in the lives of the youth, to become change individuals in our community.

I worked as a pupil teacher before becoming the administrator for First Step School Complex. I resigned from the office as a school administrator this year in January, to concentrate on my studies with CMS and ministry. I also operate personally as a psychosocial and marriage counsellor with Blessed Assurance Counselling Centre.

Can I ask, what was your interest in studying with CMS?

I want to be a vessel God can use to raise Christian leaders who are fully equipped with adequate knowledge about Christ; and to help advance the kingdom of God through Christian training leadership to impact society. With this regard, CMS shared the same purpose and is already an experienced organization, working in mission since 1799. Their achievements, impact on society, training and transforming individuals to take Christ and the Gospel to the edges, are my motivation for being interested in their mission.

What is it that makes you so confident that Pioneering/Mission is the right platform?

I took time to read about CMS’s mission and how CMS already being there throughout the years has made an impact; with continuous improvement and focus. It is said in a Ghanaian proverb that “When walking a path someone else has walked, ask for information about where the other person is coming from, as this will guide you to better choices, making you extra careful.”

I want to raise a Christian leadership school in our church by having a school that can train young women for the gospel to make an impact in society. I’m fully convinced that I chose the right place with the right people doing the right thing to help me get there in the future.

It’s brilliant that you especially want to train young women. I wish you all the best with that.

You have told me that your interest in studying with CMS was our programmes, and how these might transform you. Can you explain what modules you have already studied and how they influenced you?

So far, we’ve looked at topics like Advanced Topic in Church History – so, Early Africa Church Fathers’ Biographies, reading on Thomas Oden, African Christianity, Early Centuries Egypt and the Maghreb, Ethiopian and Nubian Christianity, Missionaries and the Colonial Era, and Global Pentecostalism.

All these subjects have informed and transformed my mindset about the genesis of Christianity in Africa; and how the Gospel under different leadership, with sacrifice and difficulties, has been preserved to this present time.

I now have new ideas of leadership skills and the certain truth of African Christian heritage, which has been clearly stated in a way I could understand throughout the course. I also read about different individuals who through the Holy Spirit, have impacted the previous Christian centuries such as John Mark, Augustine, Athanasius, and St Anthony.

What does the future hold for you, Godwin?

With what I’m experiencing so far, each module and book assigned to us to read is personally transforming different aspects of my leadership skills. I’m thinking about a lot of strategies to adapt and apply, and to change from some things which wouldn’t help to build a strong team around my leadership. I see myself becoming a complete person to think critically and respond to situations and people around me with respect (that is considering everybody’s thoughts in decision-making). I’m expecting to fill in the gap by writing some books for future studies in CMS and beyond. Finally, raising awareness of pastor training for Christian ministry, which is not regarded by the majority around me in our mother church.

How can we pray for you?

  • I seriously need regular intercession for the continuous grace of God to stand right and to please God with my life and to set an example for others in everything I do as a minister of God.
  • I also need gGrace of continuous wisdom and knowledge to handle the responsibilities demanded of me as a minister.
  • That God will bless the ministry and the people with financial resources. We’re currently in a rented apartment but we’re trusting God to build our auditorium by the next year.
  • We also need prayer for growth in our ministry and the ability to continue making an impact in our society through evangelism and crusade with financial support.

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