Trees, chalk and theology in Walthamstow
Trees, chalk and theology in Walthamstow
East London pioneer Rachel Summers is on a mission to get people to notice trees in their neighbourhood and her efforts are now inspiring more and more people thanks to blossoming media coverage.
by CMS Communications team,
Taking time to notice what matters – not least the beauty of nature – has been an emerging theme of lockdown for many people.

Wild about trees: Rachel Summers
Now Rachel, a Forest School practitioner and Forest Church leader in east London, has caught the attention of the media for taking her chalk to the streets to help her neighbourhood see the wood for the trees.
On her daily exercise walks around Walthamstow, Rachel has been chalking the names and characteristics of local trees on the pavement under or beside them.

In the last month she has been featured on the local ITV television news, in Time Out and on the BBC website.
When her activity first got mentioned on Twitter (follow Rachel @curiouswilds) it was the local MP Stella Creasy who was instantly able to identify Rachel’s work. Rachel is known locally for running the forest school Curious Wilds.

Rachel is also a graduate of the St Cedd Centre for Pioneer Mission, CMS’s pioneer hub in partnership with Chelmsford diocese, and is planning to study with CMS in Oxford from September. She has also written three books on discovering God through creation (Wild Lent, Wild Advent and Wild Worship).
So it is no surprise that she is reflecting theologically on her new lockdown practice.
“Mission is about getting people to look up and look out,” says Rachel.

“‘Noticing’ is often prayer. When I’ve been doing this, it has felt so much like I’ve been ‘doing theology’, but with trees as my sacred text.
“I’ve been seeing what they, as part of God’s creation, have to speak to us in our particular situation right now. And this is what really seems to be resonating with people:
“‘Turkish hazel tolerates difficult conditions.’
“‘London Plane creates beauty out of pollution.’
“‘Silver Birch looks fragile but is actually extremely tough.’”

Rachel believes her activity can help to change the way people see their immediate environment during the restrictions of lockdown.
“I have a strong sense that in this way I can present the prison of our streets as a gift, to be loved and cherished.”
As another of her chalkings declares, “In France, the Lime is a symbol of liberty.”

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