Supporting pioneers

Supporting pioneers

Our students say they find a vibrant learning community and build friendships with like-minded pioneers that help to sustain them long after they have completed their qualification.

Here are some of the ways you can connect and find ongoing support.


Gather was conceived and born during lockdown as a place to strengthen our connections, purpose and work. In this space, we value our collective wisdom and knowledge, sharing in an open-source culture.

‘Gather’ is ever evolving. But it’s always a place of in-person connection and conversation, where those beyond the borders of mainstream Christian communities can hang out, be inspired and energised, moving forward in missional, pioneering ventures. 

Events have been held online, on Anglesey and on tour around the UK. See the events page for upcoming Gather events. Events >

IME2 training for pioneer curates

Created for any curate designated as a pioneer or with a specific pioneer brief to their curacy, join this learning community to access dedicated pioneer-focused phase 2 initial ministerial training

Run on a three year rolling programme in partnership with Church Mission Society, these sessions are designed to support the fulfilment of the learning criteria for pioneer IME2.

IME2 training is facilitated in the North by Richard Passmore and in the South by Paul Bradbury. Read more >

South Central Pioneer Hub

CMS hosts the South Central Regional Training Partnership Pioneer Hub. The SCRTP is a partnership between six dioceses (Bath & Wells, Guildford, Oxford, Portsmouth, Salisbury, Winchester), the South and the Islands Methodist region, and the URC Wessex Synod.

Since 2011 the SCRTP in collaboration with CMS has enabled a support role for pioneer ministry which has contributed significantly in the growth of pioneer ministry in the region.

This facilitator role is currently held by Tina Hodgett. Contact Tina >

Food for thought

Theology and mission in theory and practice

More from the blog

New report makes pioneers feel seen and heard

Listening to the Voice of the Pioneer, a new report, has been published by CCX, our partners in London Pioneer School. It is a deep human need to be seen. This weekend the story of Hagar rang out for me again with new resonance. Hagar: a slave girl, exploited, pregnant, running for her life into […]

Welcome to the Crowther Library

CMS has a new librarian and here she shines a little more light on the treasure trove that is the Crowther Library.

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