Into all
the parish
Tools to help parishes become more outward-looking
Pioneering Parishes provides tools to help parishes become more outward looking, enabling parish priests and their churches to extend the care of souls into all the parish.
Founded on the belief that pioneering is integral to parish life, the webinar courses enable churches to shift energy out into the parish.
Whether you’re starting out as a pioneering parish or want to take the next steps, or if you are already on the journey, we have tools that can help you.
People who have taken part in Pioneering Parishes – whether lay people or ordained – talk about it as an overwhelmingly positive experience.

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We believe that pioneering is integral to parish life. The Pioneering Parishes webinar courses help church leaders, both clergy and lay people, to discover pioneering in a new way and then enable steady culture change to shift energy out from the church into the parish. Our community of learning is the place to learn, grow, share insights and be encouraged.
Pioneering Parishes: What’s on offer?
First steps
Discover pioneering and why it’s integral to healthy parish life. Case studies and practical tools help you consider how your church can shift its energy outwards.
Culture change in practice
Tools to enable lasting culture change for church leaders grappling with the challenge of developing a pioneering culture and a mixed ecology of church.
Community of learning
A monthly gathering of the Pioneering Parishes learning community for anyone who has completed First Steps and/or Next Steps to share experiences and wsidom.