Pioneering Parishes courses

Whether you’re taking your first steps as a pioneering parish or grappling with the challenge of developing a pioneering culture and a mixed ecology of church we have tools that can help you.

First Steps icon

First steps

Next Steps icon

Culture change in practice

Four webinars for church leaders grappling with the challenge of developing a pioneering culture and a mixed ecology of church. Together we’ll share our experiences and wisdom and be encouraged by ideas and case studies. Participants receive tools to enable lasting culture change.

Community of learning

A regular gathering of the Pioneering Parishes learning community. We share case studies, experiences and wisdom. We discuss issues and ideas. Each session is 90 minutes and contains a case study presentation and break out rooms.

Values day

Discerning who we aspire to be for God and our community: this online training day will give you the tools to ask the right questions, identify values and adopt them.

Pioneering Parishes book club

The book club for those who support pioneers, lead parishes and/or want to see culture change in their worshipping community.

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