Policies and statements

Policies and statements


We believe every child or adult has the right to be protected from all forms of harm, abuse, neglect and exploitation.


We believe in transparent communication. This is our commitment to you concerning your personal data.

Data retention

These are the different types of personal data we hold at Church Mission Society, and the period of time we will hold them for.

Archival closure periods

In line with common practice in the archive sector, the CMS archives are subject to a period of closure before being available for research or consultation.

CMS pension scheme

If you are a member of the old CMS Pension Scheme (now closed to future accrual) and you have any queries relating to your membership please email the team at Barnett Waddingham at cms@barnett-waddingham.co.uk or call 0333 111 1222.

The Pensions Regulator requires the scheme’s statement of investment principles and implementation statement to be publicly available.

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